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How to run standalone CMD MONICA

Michael Berg-Mohnicke edited this page Oct 29, 2021 · 6 revisions

How to start MONICA

MONICA consists right now of a number of different programs. Most of them can be called at the commandline like

monica-xxx parameter1 parameter2 ....

eg. to run MONICA locally with the standard Hohenfinow2 example under Windows using the standard installer, go to the c:\users\USER_PROFILE\MONICA directory and execute in a Commandshell

monica-run Examples/Hohenfinow2/sim.json > out.csv

There are the following programs of MONICA available.

  • monica-run ... the standalone MONICA commandline model (using libmonica)
  • monica-zmq-proxy ... a tool to run serverside and forward/distribute jobs (ZMQ job messages) to MONICA workers (servers). Optionally it can also just start a number of MONICAs in an own thread and serve them
  • monica-zmq-server ... a MONICA server accepting ZeroMQ messages and process them, usually to be used in connection with ZMQ proxy/proxies and a cloud of worker monica-zmq-servers
  • monica-capnp-proxy ... a MONICA server which actually acts as a proxy to a single server but can start many MONICAs in threads and distribute work send to the proxy amongst the MONICAs
  • monica-capnp-server ... a MONICA server where communication with MONICA happens through a Cap'n Proto interface

Every one of the tools can be called with a commandline parameter -h which will output the available parameters and how the command works. Showing the help for monica-run would display:

C:\>monica-run -h

monica-run [options] path-to-sim-json


 -h   | --help ... this help output
 -v   | --version ... outputs monica-run version

 -d   | --debug ... show debug outputs
 -w   | --write-output-files ... write MONICA output files
 -op  | --path-to-output DIRECTORY (default: .) ... path to output directory
 -o   | --path-to-output-file FILE ... path to output file
 -c   | --path-to-crop FILE (default: ./crop.json) ... path to crop.json file
 -s   | --path-to-site FILE (default: ./site.json) ... path to site.json file
 -w   | --path-to-climate FILE (default: ./climate.csv) ... path to climate.csv

So for example outputing the results of the Hohenfinow2 example to the file hohenfinow-out.csv and show debug messages could be done with:

monica-run -d Examples\Hohenfinow2\sim.json

Changes to parameters on the commandline will always supercede the same information in the configuration files.

How to configure MONICA

MONICA is now available in a version 2. There are a lot of changes especially regarding the configuration of MONICA, how to start it and how to get the results. Most of the changes are described in the this description of the MONICA json config files.

How to convert the old HERMES style configuration to the new JSON format

After installation of MONICA version >= 2.0.1 there will be a folder called monica-ini-to-json. In that folder you'll find a Python2 script which will read a monica.ini file and the associated crop, fertilizer, irrigation and weather files and create the according sim.json, site.json, crop.json, climate.csv files.

You need to have Python 2 (2.7) installed and can invoke the conversion script like:

C:\Users\USER-NAME\MONICA\monica-ini-to-json>python python monica.ini=PATH-TO-monica.ini 

By default it will try to use a template sim.json file called conversion-template-sim.json from the monica-ini-to-json folder. Adding the parameter -h to the script will output the usage options:

C:\Users\USER-NAME\MONICA\monica-ini-to-json>python python -h

usage: [python] [monica.ini=path-to-monica.ini] [sim.json=path-to-template-sim.json] [out-suffix=suffix-to-append-to-sim-site-crop-climate.files]
defaults: {'out-suffix': '-from-monica-ini', 'monica.ini': './monica.ini', 'sim.json': './conversion-template-sim.json'}

The script can be called from anywhere, but then the path to the conversion-template-sim.json has to be given. As usual the sim.json contains the paths to crop.json and site.json. To prevent overwriting other sim, site, crop.json files already in the folder, the output sim, crop, site.json will have a suffix added. This can be ignored by setting the option out-suffix="".

The conversion script will assemble all the climate data into a single csv file. If all the global radiation values are zero (rounded), then the sunhours in the HERMES style weather files will be included, else just globrad will be created. Also only the weather data from startdate to enddate like defined in monica.ini will be included into climate.csv. Additionally the script can be adjusted by two global parameters:

YEAR_BORDERS = [[0, 30, 2000], [31, 99, 1900]]

YEAR_SUFFIX_DIGITS tells that the ending of the weather files will consist of the last 3 digits of a year. YEAR_BORDERS defines when dates read from the configuration files (just 6 digits, thus only 2 year digits), will switch the century. The YEAR_BORDERS parameter should be read like from year ending 00 to (incl) year 30 belong to the years after 2000, while from year 31 to year 99 the years belong to the last century. Thus a date 020506 will become an iso-date 2006-05-02 while a date 020598 will become an iso-date 1998-05-02.

things to take care of

The script can't do any magic. Right now the script will create OrganicFertilization worksteps if the incorporate field in the HERMES style fertilizer file is set to 1, else a MineralFertilization workstep. In cases of references to crop and fertilizer names the ["ref", "xxx", "name"] mechanism will be used. So the user of the script will have to take care, that either the templates contain the correct referenceable crops and fertilizers or she/he has to update the created files afterwards. If all the references to crop or fertilizers are correct, the created new JSON files should be immediately usable by MONICA.