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Awesome Design Systems

A design system is a comprehensive set of guidelines, principles, and components that ensure consistency and efficiency across a company’s digital products.


Collection of Design Systems (Showcases)

Accessible Design Systems

Pre-built Design Systems / UI Kits

Design Tokens

Specify helps you generate design tokens that are always updated so you can transform them with Style Dictionary. Specify doesn’t replace Style Dictionary. It enhances it.


Design Tokens Naming

/* Default text color. Used as the main text color throughout the UI. Provides good and legible contrast for our content. */
--n-color-text: unset;
/* Weak text color for Nordhealth. Used for e.g. introduction paragraphs and help texts that are coupled with form elements. */
--n-color-text-weak: unset;
/* Weaker text color for Nordhealth. Used for e.g. disabled buttons, footers, table headings, captions and placeholder texts. */
--n-color-text-weaker: unset;
/* Weakest text color for Nordhealth. Used for e.g. disabled input text and placeholder text in focused inputs. */
--n-color-text-weakest: unset;
/* Default border color for Nordhealth. */
--n-color-border: unset;
/* Body text color */
$color-text-default: unset;
/* Inverse text color for dark backgrounds */
$color-text-inverse: unset;
/* Color for text that is purposefully de-emphasized to create visual hierarchy. */
$color-text-weak: unset;
/* Color for texts or icons that are related to warnings on a dark background. */
$color-text-warning: unset;
/* Text color for field labels. */
$color-text-label: unset;
/* Usage: regular text. */
--cc-color-text-default: var(--color-grey-90);
/* Usage: Opposite of default text color - use this with plain backgrounds like primary / success / danger, etc. For instance: text inside primary cc-button. */
--cc-color-text-inverted: var(--color-white);
/* Usage: info, main color used through the application. For instance: text color inside outlined primary cc-button. */
--cc-color-text-primary: var(--color-blue-60);
/* Usage: information that need to stand out a little bit more than the rest of the text. For instance: links. */
--cc-color-text-primary-highlight: var(--color-blue-70);
/* Usage: More contrasted text than primary. For instance: percentage chart value. */
--cc-color-text-primary-strong: var(--color-blue-80);
/* Usage: Very contrasted text but not black and not default text color. For instance: headings. */
--cc-color-text-primary-strongest: var(--color-blue-100);
/* Usage: bold text that needs to stand out from normal / light variants. For instance: text inside <strong> tags. */
--cc-color-text-strongest: var(--color-grey-100);
/* Usage: success or valid feedback. For instance: text saying an app is running correctly */
--cc-color-text-success: var(--color-green-100);
/* Usage: cautionnary text. For instance: text saying an app is stopped. */
--cc-color-text-warning: var(--color-orange-100);
/* Usage: text less important than normal text. For instance: sidenotes, the required mention inside forms. */
--cc-color-text-weak: var(--color-grey-80);
--ds-color-text-primary-default: #222222;
--ds-color-text-secondary-default: #626b79;
--ds-color-background-lightest:	#ffffff;
--ds-color-background-lighter:	#f8f8f8;
--ds-color-background-darker:	#01426a;
--ds-color-background-darkest: #00274a;
$color-text: unset;
$color-text-weak: unset;
$color-text-weaker: unset;
$color-text-weakest: unset;
$color-text-link: unset;
$color-text-icon: unset;
$color-background-success-weakest: unset;
$color-border-destructive: unset;

--p-color-text-brand-on-bg-fill-active: #ccc;
--p-color-text-brand-on-bg-fill-disabled: #fff;
--p-color-text-brand-on-bg-fill-hover: #e3e3e3;
--p-color-text-brand-on-bg-fill: #fff;
--p-color-text-caution-active: #1f1c00;
--p-color-text-caution-hover: #332e00;
--p-color-text-caution-on-bg-fill: #332e00;
--p-color-text-critical-on-bg-fill: #fffbfb;
--p-color-text-emphasis-on-bg-fill-active: #d5dcff;
--p-color-text-emphasis-on-bg-fill-hover: #e2e7ff;
--p-color-text-emphasis-on-bg-fill: #fcfdff;
--p-color-text-info-active: #002133;
--p-color-text-info-hover: #003a5a;
--p-color-text-magic-on-bg-fill: #fdfdff;
--p-color-text-success-active: #092a1b;
--p-color-text-success-hover: #083d25;
--p-color-text-success-on-bg-fill: #f8fffb;
--p-color-text-warning-active: #251a00;
--p-color-text-warning-hover: #412d00;
--p-color-text-warning-on-bg-fill: #251a00;
--p-color-bg-surface: var(--p-color-bg);
--p-color-bg-surface-hover: #f7f7f7;
--p-color-bg-surface-active: #f3f3f3;
--p-color-bg-surface-disabled: rgba(0,0,0,.05);
--p-color-bg-surface-emphasis-active: #e2e7ff;
--p-color-bg-surface-emphasis-hover: #eaedff;
--p-color-bg-surface-emphasis: #f0f2ff;
--p-color-bg-surface-inverse: #303030;
--p-color-bg-surface-brand: #e3e3e3;
--p-color-bg-surface-brand-hover: #ebebeb;
--p-color-bg-surface-brand-active: #f1f1f1;
--p-color-bg-surface-brand-selected: #f1f1f1;
--p-color-bg-surface-magic-active: #e4deff;
--p-color-bg-surface-secondary-selected: #ebebeb;
--p-color-bg-surface-tertiary-active: #e3e3e3;
--p-color-bg-surface-tertiary-hover: #ebebeb;
--p-color-bg-surface-warning-active: #ffe4c6;
--p-color-bg-surface-warning-hover: #ffebd5;
--p-color-bg-surface-secondary: var(--p-color-bg-subdued);
--p-color-bg-surface-secondary-hover: var(--p-color-bg-subdued-hover);
--p-color-bg-surface-secondary-active: var(--p-color-bg-subdued-active);
--p-color-bg-surface-tertiary: var(--p-color-bg-secondary-experimental);
--p-color-bg-fill-success: var(--p-color-bg-success-strong);
--p-color-bg-fill-success-hover: var(--p-color-bg-success-strong-hover-experimental);
--p-color-bg-fill-success-active: var(--p-color-bg-success-strong-active-experimental);
--p-color-bg-fill-success-secondary: var(--p-color-bg-success);
--p-color-bg-surface-success: var(--p-color-bg-success-subdued);
--p-color-bg-surface-success-hover: var(--p-color-bg-success-subdued-hover);
--p-color-bg-surface-success-active: var(--p-color-bg-success-subdued-active);
--p-color-bg-fill-critical: var(--p-color-bg-critical-strong);
--p-color-bg-fill-critical-hover: var(--p-color-bg-critical-strong-hover);
--p-color-bg-fill-critical-active: var(--p-color-bg-critical-strong-active);
--p-color-bg-fill-critical-secondary: var(--p-color-bg-critical);
--p-color-bg-fill-tertiary: var(--p-color-bg-strong);
--p-color-bg-fill-tertiary-hover: var(--p-color-bg-strong-hover);
--p-color-bg-fill-tertiary-active: var(--p-color-bg-strong-active);
--p-color-bg-fill-brand: #303030;
--p-color-bg-fill-brand-hover: #1a1a1a;
--p-color-bg-fill-brand-active: #1a1a1a;
--p-color-input-bg-surface: var(--p-color-bg-input);
--p-color-input-bg-surface-hover: var(--p-color-bg-input-hover-experimental);
--p-color-input-bg-surface-active: var(--p-color-bg-input-active-experimental);

--pc-button-color: var(--p-color-bg-primary);
--pc-button-text: var(--p-color-text-on-color);
--pc-button-color-hover: var(--p-color-bg-primary-hover);
--pc-button-color-active: var(--p-color-bg-primary-active);
--pc-button-color-depressed: var(--p-color-bg-primary-active);
'headingXs' | 'headingSm' | 'headingMd' | 'headingLg' | 'headingXl' | 'heading2xl' | 'heading3xl' | 'heading4xl' | 'bodySm' | 'bodyMd' | 'bodyLg'
--spectrum-alias-text-color-invalid: unset;

# Use for primary text, such as body copy, sentence case headers, and buttons.
# Use for text on bold backgrounds.
# Use for secondary text, such as navigation, subtle button links, input field labels, and all caps subheadings.
# Use for tertiary text, such as meta-data, breadcrumbs, input field placeholder and helper text.
# Use for text that reinforces our brand.
# Use for informative text or to communicate something is in progress, such as in-progress lozenges.
# Use for text to communicate a favorable outcome, such as input field success messaging.
# Use for green text on subtlest and subtler green accent backgrounds when there is no meaning tied to the color.
# Main color used across screens and components
# Standout container color for key components
# Text and icons shown against the primary color
# Contrast-passing color shown against the primary container
# Displays opposite of the primary color
# Accent color used across screens and components
# Less prominent container color, for components like tonal buttons

/* Background */
--vtmn-semantic-color_background-primary: unset;
--vtmn-semantic-color_background-secondary: unset;
--vtmn-semantic-color_background-tertiary: unset;
--vtmn-semantic-color_background-accent: unset;
/* Content */
--vtmn-semantic-color_content-primary: unset;
--vtmn-semantic-color_content-secondary: unset;
--vtmn-semantic-color_content-tertiary: unset;
--vtmn-semantic-color_content-action: unset;
--vtmn-semantic-color_content-active: unset;
--vtmn-semantic-color_content-inactive: unset;
--vtmn-semantic-color_content-negative: unset;
--vtmn-semantic-color_content-accent: unset;
/* Borders */
--vtmn-semantic-color_border-primary: unset;

Design Systems Documentation

Multi-frameworks Design Systems


  • Tools
  • Luro Build and track your design system



CSS System Colors

body {
  color: CanvasText;
  background-color: Canvas;

By default, CanvasText results in a color close to black and Canvas is a color that's close to white. The actual implementation depends on the browser. For example, CanvasText in Chrome results in #121212 whereas Safari has it specified as the slightly lighter #1e1e1e.


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