A package for working with Zimbabwean phone numbers. You can verify if a phone number belongs to a network or get the provider it belongs to.
You can see it in action here https://zimcell.herokuapp.com
composer require zerochip/zimcell
First import the class into your file
use Zerochip\Zimcell
Cleans up the cell number of any legiblity helpers by removing the following:
- Spaces
- Country code (+263 or 263)
- The leading zero
Zimcell::refine('+263772 123 456');
Zimcell::refine('263772 123456');
Zimcell::refine('0772 123 456');
// All the above return 772123456
Internationalizes the phone number with a "+" prefix.
Zimcell::intlFormat('0772 123 456');
// return +263772123456
Checks if the given cellnumber is a valid Zimbabwean number by:
- running the refine function
- checking if the refined number is 9 digits long
- checking if the refined number starts with a 7
ZimCell::valid('0772 123 456');
// returns true
ZimCell::valid('0872 12 34 56');
//returns false, refined number starts with an 8 i.e 872123456
Zimcell::valid('0772 12345');
// returns false, refined number will be 8 digits long i.e 77212345
is($provider, $cellnumber)
Verifies if a number belongs to a given provider or service. The case of the provider name does not matter since they are converted to lower case before verifying.
Zimcell::is('econet', '0772 123 456');
// returns true
Zimcell::is('teleCash', '0772 123 456');
// returns false, note use of camelCase for provider name
Zimcell::is('netcel', '0772 123 456');
// returns null, netcel is not a supported provider
Supported provider and service names are as follows:
- Econet
- EcoCash
- Telecel
- Telecash
- NetOne
- One Money
returns the provider for a phone number.
// returns netone
// returns null