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Zhang Jc edited this page Nov 2, 2016 · 3 revisions

Difference between qemu\qemu-kvm\qemu-system-x86_64\qemu-x86_64 ?



在老版本中有单独的qemu-kvm模块存在,结合qemu一起做虚拟机工作。在后续新版本中,已经将qemu-kvm模块完全合并到qemu中去。因此当需要使用kvm特性时候,只需要qemu-system-x86_64 启动命令中增加参数 --enable-kvm参数使能即可。



I asked the mailing list, here's what I got:

qemu-arch like /usr/local/bin/qemu-x86_64 is for running a program of that arch on the host machine of what ever arch, but not a virtual machine qemu-system-arch like /usr/local/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 is for running a system of that arch on the host machine to enable kvm support, qemu parameter -enable-kvm is needed, libvirt should have taken care of this if right xml is configured

Thanks Jakob for the answer in the mailing list.


意思是,类似qemu-x86_64这种命令是运行某种架构的程序的,qemu-system-x86_64是运行某种架构系统的(虚拟机),如果需要kvm支持,需要加上参数 -enable-kvm, 如果使用libvirt可以配置相应的xml来实现kvm支持。


Actually, qemu-kvm is a simple wrapper of qemu-system-x86_64.

In my x86_64 gentoo OS, the content of qemu-kvm script is

#!/bin/sh$ exec /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 --enable-kvm "$@"


意思是,gentoo里面的qemu-kvm就是运行“qemu-system-x86_64 --enable-kvm”, 是一个脚本。


The KVM project used to maintain a fork of QEMU called qemu-kvm. All feature differences have been merged into QEMU upstream and the development of the fork suspended.

To use KVM pass --enable-kvm to QEMU.





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