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nix-systems - externally extensible flake systems

Status: beta

This project introduces a new pattern that makes flake systems externally extensible, to work around that limitation.

The main benefit of this pattern is for the flake consumer. For example, why should a command like nix flake show display all systems when the user only cares about just one? Or reversely, potentially the flake might support building against more architectures that the flake author have tested. Is the user supposed to fork every flake to add their architecture?


Basic usage

Here is a basic example of how to use this pattern:

$ ./examples/simple/flake.nix as nix

  description = "A basic flake"; = "github:nix-systems/default";

  outputs = { self, systems, nixpkgs }:
      eachSystem = nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs (import systems);
      packages = eachSystem (system: {
        hello = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system}.hello;

And here you can see all the systems for that flake:

$ nix flake show ./examples/simple/

    │   └───hello: package 'hello-2.12.1'
    │   └───hello: package 'hello-2.12.1'
    │   └───hello: package 'hello-2.12.1'
        └───hello: package 'hello-2.12.1'

Consumer usage

Here is an example of a flake that consumes another flake that uses that pattern. In this version, the author decided to provide their own list of flake systems in the local file.

$ ./examples/consumer/flake.nix as nix

  description = "A consumer flake";

  # Here we use a local list of systems = "path:./"; = false;

  # This represents another flake dependency that uses the same "systems"
  # convention.
  inputs.demo.url = "path:../simple";
  # Here we override the list of systems with only our own = "systems";

  outputs = { self, systems, nixpkgs, demo }:
      eachSystem = nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs (import systems);
      packages = eachSystem (system: {
        # Get the package from the demo flake
        hello = demo.packages.${system}.hello;

$ nix flake show ./examples/consumer/

        └───hello: package 'hello-2.12.1'

CLI usage

Generally when accessing a flake with the CLI, the only system that we care about, is the one of the current host. Reducing the list of systems is a good way to speed up commands that operate over all systems (like nix flake show).

In order to make that scenario usage easier, we published common static system configurations to the nix-systems GitHub org. If a system you are using is missing, please create a ticket on this repo.

Example usage: $ nix flake show ./examples/simple/ --override-input systems github:nix-systems/x86_64-linux

        └───hello: package 'hello-2.12.1'

Available system flakes

  • github:nix-systems/default - exposes aarch64 and x86_64 for linux and darwin.
  • github:nix-systems/default-linux - exposes aarch64 and x86_64 for linux.
  • github:nix-systems/default-darwin - exposes aarch64 and x86_64 for darwin.
  • github:nix-systems/aarch64-darwin
  • github:nix-systems/aarch64-linux
  • github:nix-systems/x86_64-darwin
  • github:nix-systems/x86_64-linux

Please create an issue if you would like to see other systems.

Pattern design

The proposed pattern rests on two ideas:

  1. The systems input MUST be reserved for this pattern.
  2. When the systems input is imported, it MUST return a list of supported systems. Eg: [ "x86_64-linux" ].

Point (2) allows developers to easily override the systems list with a single file specific to the project, instead of having to create a sub-flake: = "path:./"; = false;


Thanks to @nxrdp for exploring some of those ideas in, @bb010g for bringing those ideas to flake-utils, and @srid for the usual insightful conversations.

Future work

Once this pattern has proven its efficacy, I propose that we:

  1. Give control of this org to the NixOS Foundation.
  2. Add the "systems" input in the flake registry for even easier usage (see NixOS/flake-registry#42 )
  3. Builtin support for this pattern in flake.nix would be nice. It would make it possible to inline the list of system in the flake itself, and shorten the system override CLI incantation as well. See: NixOS/nix#3843