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Multi Host Capabilities

zolrath edited this page Mar 29, 2012 · 5 revisions

wemux supports specifying the joining different wemux sessions via wemux join <sessionname>. This allows multiple hosts on the same machine to host their own independent wemux sessions with their own clients. By default this option is disabled.

wemux will remember the last session specified to in order to make reconnecting to the same session easy. wemux help will output the currently specified session along with the wemux command list.

Changing sessions can be enabled by setting allow_session_change="true" in /etc/wemux.conf

Joining Different wemux Sessions

To change the wemux session run wemux join <session>. The name will be sanitized to contain no spaces or uppercase letters.

$ wemux join Project X
Changed wemux session from 'wemux' to 'project-x'
$ wemux start
$ wemux
$ wemux stop
$ wemux reset
Changed wemux session from 'project-x' to 'wemux'

wemux join sessionname

Join wemux session with specified name.

$ wemux join rails
Changed wemux session from 'wemux' to 'rails'

wemux join sessionnumber

Alternatively, enter the session number displayed next to the session name in wemux list.

$ wemux j 1
Changed wemux session from 'rails' to 'project-x'

Resetting the Session Name

In order to easily return to the default session you can run wemux reset

wemux reset

Joins the default wemux session: wemux (or value of default_session_name in wemux.conf)

$ wemux reset
Changed wemux session from 'project-x' to 'wemux'

Active Session List

To list the name of all currently running wemux sessions run wemux list

wemux list

List all currently active wemux sessions.

$ wemux list
Currently active wemux sessions:
  1. project-x
  2. rails
  3. wemux    <- current session

wemux join and wemux stop both accept either the name of a session or the number indicated next to the session name in wemux list.

Listing sessions can be disabled by setting allow_session_list="false" in /etc/wemux.conf