Franklin is a custom blog application that will (in the future) power
UPDATE: Franklin developmnet has been haulted in favor of other personal projects.
Franklin is written in Elixir, Phoenix, and LiveView and is an intentionally over-engineered blog application. It uses an event-sourced / CQRS core (via commanded) along side modern component-based UI presentation. It aims to make even the simple things overly complex in the spirit of personal education towards these architecture decisions.
Franklin currently remains in a very hacky state and many things are incomplete or only partial implemented. A rough timeline of things to come:
- The ability to import the current blog archive.
- The ability to upload images and other assets to be used by blog articles.
- The ability to host static page content off the root urls.
To get the project dependencies and setup the two local databases (one is an event store, the other is the typical Ecto repo storing event projections) use:
$ mix setup
To launch the Phoenix server (which will host the site at http://localhost:4000) attached to an iex session use:
$ iex -S mix phx.server
If you ever want to reset the two local databases, include local dev seeds, use:
$ mix reset_databases
To run the full test suite use:
$ mix test
To render the current docs and open the root index page run:
$ mix docs; open doc/index.html
For more info on these mix commands see the aliases
private function inside of mix.exs