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Releases: zyfra/Prizm

1.8.0, 2.5.0, 3.4.0

02 Nov 11:00
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1.8.0, 2.5.0, 3.4.0


  • feat(components/input-select): virtual scroll support #617
  • feat(components): to new colors #862
  • feat(components/input): empty label mode for iner #384 MR
  • feat(components/overlay): context example and to standalone #813
  • feat: updated v1 stackblitz demos with style #877
  • feat: updated v2 stackblitz demos with style #878
  • feat: updated v3 stackblitz demos with style #879
  • feat(components/indicator): v3 colors for indicator #867
  • feat(components/checkbox): v3 colors for checkbox #871
  • feat(components/spinner): v3 colors for spinner #870
  • feat(components/loader): v3 colors for loader #870
  • feat(components/toggle): update toggle colors to v3 #876
  • feat(components/switcher): add hint to switcher #856
  • feat(components/scrollbar): scrollbar colors update to v3 #895
  • feat(components/card): colors v3 for card #897
  • feat(components/panel): colors v3 for panel #897
  • feat(components/tabs): add prizm counter to tabs #863
  • feat: update progress colors to v3 #902
  • feat(components/dropdown-control): new directive control for dropdown #881
  • feat(components): create own calendar exports #880
  • feat(components): add boolean compatible with async #714
  • feat(components/input): empty label mode for inner #384
  • feat(components/hint): standalone directives MR

Bug fixes

  • fix(components/old-icon): fixed broken icons #102
  • fix(components/input-layout-date-time): dropdown size #741
  • fix(components/buttons): fix emit hover on disabled for icon-button and buttons #948
  • fix(doc/input-date-multi): inputDateMulti incorrect label text #753
  • fix(components/file-upload): file upload button type #837
  • fix(docs/table): description for 'open' property for table body added to docs #654
  • fix(components/toast): double toast error and scrollbar #481 #734
  • fix(components/tree): active item style and update doc #708 #654
  • fix(components/input): update on blur #736 MR


  • request(components/combobox): new component 'combobox' applied to next iteration #629
  • question(components/table): answered new demo #748


26 Oct 10:09
Choose a tag to compare

1.7.0, 2.4.0, 3.3.0 (26-10-2023)


  • feat(components/cron): cron year limit #824 MR
  • feat(components/confirm-dialog): add polymorph template support for confirm-dialog component #799 MR
  • feat(components/panel): add variable for panel height #811 MR
  • feat(components/hint): white-space: pre-line added #781 MR
  • feat(components/tooltip): white-space: pre-line added #781 MR
  • feat(components/confirm-popup): white-space: pre-line added for title and description #781 MR
  • feat(components/confirm-dialog): white-space: pre-line added for title and description #768 MR
  • feat(components/input): added new param with control (resolved #762) MR
  • feat(components/overlay): new close logic #798 MR
  • feat(doc): remove redundant page 'technology list' from docs MR
  • feat(components): added exports for custom dropdown #783 MR
  • feat(components/input-date-time): new transformer for work with base date format #410 MR
  • feat(components/counter): counter component and directive added MR
  • feat(components/dialog): added outer-header with example #854 MR

Bug fixes

  • fix(components/cron): fixed week day names #784 MR
  • fix(components/widget): widget header shrinks #273 MR
  • fix:(components/splitter) splitter area collapsed after display changed #737 MR
  • fix(components/input-select): lazy get items #836 #812 MR
  • fix(components/cron): cron buttons width #848 MR
  • fix(components/tab): active tab coor and border #401 MR
  • fix(components/input-select): open dropdown by click when passed primitive polymorph template #853 MR
  • fix(doc/button): buttons pseudo state documentation update #809 MR
  • fix(doc/icon-button): icon-buttons pseudo state documentation update #809 MR
  • fix(components/table): table row group column borders disappear when filtering #230 MR
  • fix(components/table): re render on update context #816 MR

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 3.2.0...3.3.0


18 Oct 13:33
Choose a tag to compare

1.6.0, 2.3.0, 3.2.0 (18-10-2023)


  • feat(components/input-select): added wrap model for simple content #793 MR
  • feat(doc/table): initial table sort example #126 MR
  • feat(components/table): initial table sorter added if not set #126 MR
  • feat(components/paginator): translations tokens has been added for paginator module MR
  • feat: sync on touched change with parent layout #353 MR
  • feat(doc): mirror links to showcase added to docs MR
  • feat(components/switcher): colors version to v3 update for switcher IDPPRIZM-1878 MR
  • feat(components/tabs): colors version update to v3 and redesign for tabs: BREAKING CHANGE #401 MR
  • feat(components/buttons): colors version update to v3 for buttons IDPPRIZM-1853 MR
  • feat(components/input-number): convert directive to component #649
  • feat(components/number): add inputs to control precision and decimal #814

Bug fixes

  • fix(components/input-layout): input layout outer label incorrect display #788 MR
  • fix(components/paginator): deprecated select component has been changed for new one for paginator #792 MR
  • fix: new theme default palette colors fix MR
  • fix: disabled sync between layout in in put #771 MR
  • fix(components/input-control): update layout flow #691 MR
  • fix(components/input-layout): clear button with status message #766 MR
  • fix(icons): fix name cansel to cancel MR
  • fix(components/input): update empty state #723 MR
  • fix(components/tabs): update tab #759 MR
  • fix(components/polymorph): build error #738 #806 MR
  • fix(components/tabs): tab disable active state #703 MR
  • fix(components/switcher): switcher disable active state #703 MR
  • fix(components/input-number): fix validator #818
  • fix(components/input-number): empty state #267

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 3.1.0...3.2.0

16 Oct 09:01
Choose a tag to compare Pre-release
Pre-release,, (16-10-2023)

Bug fixes

fix(components/tabs): update tab #759 MR

13 Oct 12:51
Choose a tag to compare Pre-release
Pre-release,, (06-10-2023)


  • feat(components/input-select): added wrap model for simple content #793 MR
  • feat(doc/table): initial table sort example #126 MR
  • feat(components/table): initial table sorter added if not set #126 MR
  • feat(components/paginator): translations tokens has been added for paginator module MR
  • feat: sync on touched change with parent layout #353 MR
  • feat(doc): mirror links to showcase added to docs MR

Bug fixes

  • fix(components/input-layout): input layout outer label incorrect display #788 MR
  • fix(components/paginator): deprecated select component has been changed for new one for paginator #792 MR
  • fix: new theme default palette colors fix MR
  • fix: disabled sync between layout in in put #771 MR
  • fix(components/input-control): update layout flow #691 MR
  • fix(components/input-layout): clear button with status message #766 MR
  • fix(icons): fix name cansel to cancel MR
  • fix(components/input): update empty state #723 MR


06 Oct 13:57
Choose a tag to compare

1.5.0, 2.2.0, 3.1.0 (06-10-2023)


  • feat(components/column-settings): add new component #82
  • feat(components/column-settings): add show, hide and reoder, add-all, reset settings features #82
  • feat(components/column-settings): add localization to new component #82
  • feat(components/column-settings): add sticky columns settings and example #82
  • feat(components/column-settings): add header settings and example #82
  • feat(ci): splitted steps
  • feat(theme): add new themes v3
  • feat(doc/dialog): dialog result handling demo IDPPRIZM-915
  • refactor(doc/dialog): dialog docs file name and selector for page has been changed
  • feat(theme): new inveted-theme-values directive IDPPRIZM-1817
  • feat(components/hint): new input to set theme for modal window if need specific IDPPRIZM-1817
  • feat(doc/hint/tooltip/cinfirm-popup): example for new input for modal window IDPPRIZM-1817
  • feat(doc/confirm-popup): refactor files names for doc example IDPPRIZM-1817
  • feat(theme): add input to inverted-theme

Bug fixes

  • fix(doc/live-demo): litle dark theme color fix #758
  • fix(doc/repo): outdated links removed #732
  • fix(components/column-settings): last shown column checking #82


25 Sep 11:27
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1.4.6, 2.1.8, 3.0.3 (25-09-2023)


  • feat(components/table): it was added support string for getRowId #692
  • feat(components/navigation-menu): it was added group support #711

Bug fixes

  • fix(components/widget): widget header height #251
  • fix(components/toast): toast styles #305
  • fix(doc/dropdown): color for example with context small style fix
  • fix(components/confirm-popup/tooltip/hint) styles for tooltip and hint with other components #340
  • refactor(doc/tooltip/hint) file names for tooltip and hint example has been changed #340
  • fix(components/confirm-popup/tooltip/hint) outline on focuse removed #658
  • fix(components/paginator): custom buttons replaced by prizm ones #743
  • fix(components/tree): tree expand all feature has been changed #739
  • fix(components/input-layout-date-relative): relative date input validation #566
  • fix(components/navigation-menu): emit expandedItemsMapChanged on "class all" #709
  • fix(components/overlay): clear cache cached inputs #697


21 Sep 07:49
Choose a tag to compare
3.0.3-next.6 Pre-release

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 3.0.3-next.5...3.0.3-next.6


18 Sep 07:27
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3.0.3-next.5 Pre-release


15 Sep 14:38
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3.0.3-next.4 Pre-release

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 3.0.3-next.3...3.0.3-next.4