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SuperTux Bot edited this page Feb 11, 2024 · 7 revisions

Note: This file is auto-generated from the SuperTux scripting interface source code, using the template


This module contains global methods.




Method Explanation
display(ANY object) Displays the value of an argument. This is useful for inspecting tables.
print_stacktrace() Displays the contents of the current stack.
get_current_thread() Returns the currently running thread.
is_christmas() Returns whether the game is in christmas mode.
display_text_file(string filename) Displays a text file and scrolls it over the screen (on next screenswitch).
load_worldmap(string filename, string sector, string spawnpoint) Loads and displays a worldmap (on next screenswitch), using the savegame of the current worldmap.

sector - Forced sector to spawn in the worldmap on. Leave empty to use last sector from savegame.
spawnpoint - Forced spawnpoint to spawn in the worldmap on. Leave empty to use last position from savegame.
set_next_worldmap(string dirname, string sector, string spawnpoint) Switches to a different worldmap after unloading the current one, after exit_screen() is called.

dirname - The world directory, where the "worldmap.stwm" file is located.
sector - Forced sector to spawn in the worldmap on. Leave empty to use last sector from savegame.
spawnpoint - Forced spawnpoint to spawn in the worldmap on. Leave empty to use last position from savegame.
load_level(string filename) Loads and displays a level (on next screenswitch), using the savegame of the current level.
start_cutscene() Starts a skippable cutscene.
end_cutscene() Ends a skippable cutscene.
check_cutscene() Checks if a skippable cutscene is currently running.
wait(float seconds) Suspends the script execution for a specified number of seconds.
wait_for_screenswitch() Suspends the script execution until the current screen has been changed.
exit_screen() Exits the currently running screen (for example, force exits from worldmap or scrolling text).
translate(string text) Translates a text into the user's language (by looking in the .po files).
_(string text) Same function as translate().
translate_plural(string text, string text_plural, int num) Translates a text into the user's language (by looking in the .po files). Returns text or text_plural, depending on num and the locale.
__(string text, string text_plural, int num) Same function as translate_plural().
import(string filename) Loads a script file and executes it. This is typically used to import functions from external files.
save_state() Saves world state to scripting table.
load_state() Loads world state from scripting table.
debug_collrects(bool enable) Enables/disables drawing of collision rectangles.
debug_show_fps(bool enable) Enables/disables drawing of FPS.
debug_draw_solids_only(bool enable) Enables/disables drawing of non-solid layers.
debug_draw_editor_images(bool enable) Enables/disables drawing of editor images.
debug_worldmap_ghost(bool enable) Enables/disables worldmap ghost mode.
play_music(string musicfile) Changes the music to musicfile.
fade_in_music(string musicfile, float fadetime) Fades in the music from musicfile for fadetime seconds.
stop_music(float fadetime) Fades out the music for fadetime seconds.

fadetime - Set to "0" for no fade-out.
resume_music(float fadetime) Resumes and fades in the music for fadetime seconds.

fadetime - Set to "0" for no fade-in.
pause_music(float fadetime) Pauses the music with a fade-out for fadetime seconds.

fadetime - Set to "0" for no fade-out.
play_sound(string soundfile) Plays soundfile as a sound.
set_game_speed(float speed) Sets the game speed to speed.
grease() Speeds Tux up.
invincible() Makes Tux invincible for 10000 units of time.
ghost() Makes Tux a ghost, i.e. lets him float around and through solid objects.
mortal() Recalls Tux's invincibility and ghost status.
restart() Re-initializes and respawns Tux at the beginning of the current level.
whereami() Prints Tux's current coordinates in the current level.
gotoend() Moves Tux near the end of the current level.
warp(float offset_x, float offset_y) Moves Tux to the X and Y blocks, relative to his position.
camera() Shows the camera's coordinates.
set_gamma(float gamma) Adjusts the gamma.
rand() Returns a random integer.
set_title_frame(string image) Sets the frame, displayed on the title screen.



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