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Meeting Proposal 20161128

ianbjacobs edited this page Nov 28, 2016 · 2 revisions

Proposal for WPWG Teleconferences


Currently, the WPWG conducts most of its work asynchronously via GitHub and email.

The WPWG also holds a weekly teleconference and meets FTF 3-4 times per year. Task forces within the WPWG also meet periodically by phone as needed. While many of us value these teleconferences, some people cannot attend because of the time zone or schedule conflicts.

In addition, the current agenda of the Working Group is technical (rather than direction setting or high level requirements) and so the group's agenda --especially on calls-- is not conducive to contributions from participants who are not intimately following the group's technical discussion.

The WPWG has considered in the past holding two meetings, alternating weekly at different times, to 'distribute the pain.' In the end, however, participants expressed a preference for holding a single meeting.

This is a new proposal that attempts to foster participation and contributions in teleconferences.


  • We maintain the currently weekly call, Thursdays at 10am ET
  • In addition, we organize a 1-hour call every three weeks at 9:00 UTC (11am Cape Town, 5pm Beijing, 6pm Tokyo and Seoul, 8pm Melbourne). We don't yet know the preferred day of the week of the group. Both chairs (and we hope one team contact) would be present at this meeting. This call would have equal standing with the Thursday call. Please note that, per the Working Group Charter, that decisions taken during a call are provisional, allowing others to comment asynchronously or at a subsequent call.
  • In addition, we organize a non-technical meeting every two months where we summarize recent discussions, gather requirement-level feedback and questions, and discuss topics such as communications, strategies to encourage adoption of the standard, industry awareness and participation, etc.
  • Task forces continue to organize teleconferences as needed.
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