A simple World of Warcraft 1.12 AddOn.
Filters out specified or all error messages, such as "Not enough rage".
Useful for PvP/PvE encounters when you want to keep a clean screen while spamming abilities.
Based on RogueSpam by Allara.
Download: https://github.com/01c/ErrorFilter/archive/master.zipExtract to World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns and rename folder to ErrorFilter.
Type /errorfilter or /ef ingame for help.
/{errorfilter | ef} {reset | enabled | all | list | add | remove}- reset: Reset all options to default settings.
- enabled: Toggle functionality.
- all: Toggle filtering all messages, ignoring list.
- list: Shows the current filters and their ID number.
- add #message: Adds #message to the filter list.
- remove #id: Removes the message #id from the filter list.
- "Ability is not ready yet."
- "You are too far away!"
- "Out of range."
- "Spell is not ready yet."
- "Not enough energy"
- "Not enough rage"
- "Not enough mana"
- "There is nothing to attack."
- "That ability requires combo points"
- "Your target is dead"
- "Another action is in progress"