Welcome to the project page for our candidate project. The projects purpose is to examine how qubit couplings affect the performance of grovers algorithm.
Make sure you have python installed, version > 3.9
Install packages required by running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
NOTE: We have used windows10 and windows11 during the development of this project, we have not tested it on other platforms.
First, make sure your current working directory is the same as this README.md
Running the experiments can be done using the following command:
python -m source.experiments.EXPERIMENT_NAME
is one of the experiments in source/experiments
(except run_all.py
, and grid_positions.py
To run an example, run:
python -m source.examples.EXAMPLE_NAME
is one of the experiments in source/examples
Here you can find all the source files used throughout the project. Read source/README.md for more info
Here you can find the results that were generated. This includes for example
- The performance of the different qubit couplings for 5 qubit circuit when running grover one step
- The performance of different fake providers when running grover one step
- All possible qubit couplings for 5 qubits
Here you can find images used for the readme files