To write is to think. It’s the greatest tool we have.
But it’s easy to slip out of writing to think into thinking to write. This is a writing tool that forces you to think.
Ephemeral is a disappearing notepad: where all of your notes slowly fade over time.
All words take 60 seconds to fully disappear. If you want to keep something, feel free to write it again - the same way you would call a thought back from memory.
There’s no formatting tools, no bold, no italics, nothing. How much time do we spending obsessing over the way things look, rather than the thinking itself?
This tool is intended to be used as you are deep in thought and want to boost your working memory, need to sketch something out when you can’t picture it in your head, or need to channel your stream of consciousness.
This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
Run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev