is a parser written with
pyparsing for the .ctx
format used by
In [1]: from ctx_parser import parser
In [2]: accounts = parser.LIST.parseFile('accounts.ctx')
In [3]: accounts.accountInfoList[0].accountNumber
Out[3]: '987654300'
In [4]: accounts.accountInfoList[0].accountId
Out[4]: 0
In [5]: accounts.accountInfoList[0].statusList[0].bookedBalance.value.value
Out[5]: 23.42
In [6]: accounts.accountInfoList[0].statusList[0].bookedBalance.time
Out[6]: datetime.datetime(2014, 5, 4, 1, 42, 23)
where accounts.ctx
contains a LIST
of (more or less) complex elements:
% cat accounts.ctx
accountInfoList {
accountInfo {
char bankCode="12345678"
char bankName="Bad Bank"
char accountNumber="987654300"
char accountName="personal account"
char iban="CC42123456780987654300"
char bic="COUNCOBB423"
char owner="Smith, John"
char currency="USD"
int accountType="0"
int accountId="0"
statusList {
status {
int time="1399068000"
bankLine {
char value="1000"
char currency="USD"
} #bankLine
bookedBalance {
value {
char value="2342%2F100"
char currency="USD"
} #value
int time="1399068000"
} #bookedBalance
} #status
} #statusList
} #accountInfo
} #accountInfoList
The grammar for this parser has been extrapolated from example files and may, although tending to underfit the perceived rules, be unable to describe constructs I didn't foresee/encounter.
If you come across an unparsable .ctx
file, feel free to file an issue,
providing a reproducing example. Better yet, fork, add a reproducing test,
extend the parser and send a pull request :)
Let me know how it goes, dtk