I am searching for jobs in smart contract development and security. Right now, I am finding bugs on code4rena and immunefi.
- Audits: This repository represents my collection of bug hunting findings for my portfolio.
- REVM: Implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine in Rust.
- RSA: A RUST CLI to generate private and public keys, encrypt and decrypt message.
- ERC20-In-Yul : Simple ERC20 written in inline YUL.
- cryptography-notes: My cryptography notes.
- zkSortedArray: My first circuit to check if array is sorted by using Circom and Snarkjs.
- DefiVuln: This repository contains defi vulnerabilities using foundry.
- REI: REI can be used to fractionalise and trade real estate NFT's. It's using TheGraph, IPFS, Ethers and Wagmi, Nextjs, hardhat and Solidity.
- uniswapV2: It's clone of Uniswap v2, i made it while learning about dex and flashloans.
- lendnow: Aave and compound like lending and borrowing protocol.
- NFT-Marketplace : NFT marketplace to trade NFT's with ERC2981 royalties.
- NFTMarketplace-ui: UI for marketplace using Nextjs, Tailwind, etherjs and rainbowkit.
- Auto-withdraw-bot: It can be used to auto withdraw all your funds from EOA(externally owned accounts) and it's using Etherjs.
- Cryptobite: You can see crypto prices and you can add them to watch list. It's using Nextjs, Reduxjs , chart.js and Tailwind.
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