This is timezone plugin. You can set any timezone for your SA-MP server. And some useful function.
This plugin was originally created by Fro1sha. I added the plugin to GitHub as the SA-MP forum is no longer available forever.
native gm_SetTimeZone(hour = 0, minute = 0);
native gm_gettime(&hour = 0, &minute = 0, &second = 0);
native gm_getdate(&year=0, &month = 0, &day = 0, &wday = 0);
native gm_strftime(const string[], dest[], size = sizeof(dest));
native gm_timestamp();
native gm_mktime(hour, minute, second, year, month, day);
native gm_timestamp_to_date(timestamp, &hour = 0, &minute = 0, &second = 0, &year = 0, &month = 0, &day = 0);
native gm_GetMonthDay(month, year = 1990);
native gm_ConvertSeconds(time, &hour = 0, &minute = 0, &second = 0, &year = 0, &month = 0, &day = 0);
// Auto replacement default pawn time function
#define AUTO_SETUP
#include <gmtime>
#define AUTO_SETUP
#include <gmtime>
// Set timezone to +0
SetTimeZone( 0 );
hour, minute, second,
year, month, day,
wday // week day 0-6
printf( "Cur TimeStamp(gettime) %d", gettime( hour, minute, second ) );
printf( "Hour: %d Minute: %d Seconds: %d", hour, minute, second );
printf( "Day(getdate) %d", getdate( year, month, day, wday ) );
printf( "Year: %d Month: %d Day: %d WeekDay: %d", year, month, day, wday );
buffer[ 80 ]
// More details:
strftime( "Now it's %I:%M%p.", buffer );
print( buffer );
// TimeStamp time
printf( "Cur TimeStamp(timestamp) %d", timestamp( ) );
// Converting date and time in TimeStamp
printf( "mktime: %d", mktime( hour, minute, second, year, month, day ) );
// Converting TimeStamp in date and time
timestamp_to_date( timestamp( ), hour, minute, second, year, month, day );
print( "timestamp_to_date:" );
printf( "Hour: %d Minute: %d Seconds: %d", hour, minute, second );
printf( "Year: %d Month: %d Day: %d", year, month, day );
// Return the number of days in that month
printf( "Month(%d) Days: %d", month, GetMonthDay( month, year ) );
// Converting seconds in date and time
ConvertSeconds( 65486, hour, minute, second, year, month, day );
print( "ConvertSeconds:" );
printf( "Hour: %d Minute: %d Seconds: %d", hour, minute, second );
printf( "Year: %d Month: %d Day: %d", year, month, day );