(Here's what my setup looks like. Vim/Tmux)
If you're brand new to Vim, I recommend using ThoughtBot's dotfiles. They are better maintained than mine :).
If you have trouble during installation, please open an issue or pull request. ⭐
Clone this repo (or your own fork!) to your home directory (/Users/username
git clone https://github.com/mscoutermarsh/dotfiles ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
neovim I use Neovim instead of the default Vim.
brew install neovim
iterm2 Use iterm2 instead of Terminal: http://iterm2.com/
$ brew install tmux
$ brew install reattach-to-user-namespace
Did you have trouble installing this? Could I make the documentation better? Let me know @mscccc. Or please fork & create a pull request with your suggestions.