Linux Device Driver
Introduction Loadable Kernel Module using C
kernel module are considered as object files which contains code which Extends the feature of running kernel.
kernel module are generally used to Support new hardware , to support new file system to add new system call.
Advantages of kernel module is that It gets loaded memory of kernel whenever required and it gets removed from memory when its used gets completed.
To load and Unload kernel modules their is no need to reboot our kernel.
The Concept of kernel module is used in almost every Linux Distro. Including MAC OS.
To write the kernel module we have to use Basic C programming concept and some commands.
Types of kernel Module- 1. Device Driver 2. File system Driver 3. Network Driver 4. TTY (teli Type Terminals)
for more details visit the follownig link
here userFile.c is to access that Device Driver file. just compile the file.
and char.ko is kernel object file which we inserting into the running kernel. char.c is a device driver programe.