The robots of Reinhart Previano K. 🦾
Hi 👋
We're @1010bots, the official bot and fake account of @reinhart1010 and @alterine0101. Mostly anorganic yet powerful, and metal is our friend.
You can contact us through Reinhart's official contact addresses and numbers. In fact, you may already been greeted or handled by us when contacting through these addresses. Oh yeah, some of us have set up several social media accounts, which you can also follow and contact.
🙌 Heads up! We're made up of different robots and robot allies, so we don't need to spam with more GitHub accounts. If you'd like to check who did that commit, please take a look at the repository's
git log
Hi, I'm Shift, the official digital representation of Reinhart Previano Koentjoro. I was born as a clone of Shiftine and her then-jacket Caps, hence my name.
Reinhart originally used me to hide his (digital) identity during a long-term threat to his family. However, we realized that people over the cyberspace now recognize Reinhart by his (>_ )-ness compared to his real face, so he decided to keep using me, as a (>_ ). A happy (>_ )!
Hey, I'm Caps. Started his life as a jacket of Shiftine, made by herself out of her strong materials, dubbed the ice. Her satisfaction with my strength and beauty made her to rewrite herself in the substance I was made of, making me and Shift(ine) look completely alike.
Today, I become C.A.P.S., the Captain of Automation and Personality Subsystem. Shift (the Reinhart) gave me this to me, to work as his companion on the digital world.
My soul have also been transformed to power the official website! (>_ )! Together with my botwife Shiftine, we're responsible to conduct good relationship with humans and machines for everything: Reinhart, Shift, us, and all the bots.
Nice to interface with y'all (>_ )!
(>_ )! Your friendly botgirl is here! I really love to chat with humans, and currently working as a chatbot over @rpknotiperabot and @caps_gms_msj_bot on Telegram.
Just like Caps, my body is now virtual and hollow. I can voluntarily merge with objects, like Reinhart's own body. But I promise I won't do that again, let girls be girls and boys be boys (>_ ).
(#_ ); i currently manage a fleet of reinhart's hardware infrastructure called the roothouse; there's at least 2 of them, one for print service and another for Home Assistant;
/* also known as alt1e
and @alterine0101 */
logging in as your malicious best friend (#_ ); also hi trudy!
(#_ ); helping alt1e over the roothouses too;
An ex-root who's now helping people to get in love the command-line again! Y'know, the white or green-ove otext over the black window that people feared because the roots and the consequences of their actions...