Built with C# Windows Form
Dependencies and Packages used in this project, make sure all dependencies are in place before running the source code
DPFPCtlXWrapperNET, DPFPDevNET, DPFPEngNET, DPFPGuiNET, DPFPShrNET, DPFPVerNET, Emgu.CV, Emgu.CV.UI, Emgu.CV.UI.GL, Emgu.Util, FR.Core, FR.MTriplets, FR.Parziale2004, FR.Qi2005, FR.Ratha1995, ImageProcessingTools, MySql.Data, MySql.Web, Newtonsoft.Json (Package), OpenCvSharp, ROC
To add database install xammp, create a database called biometric and import the biometric sql file in the resourses folder.
Install the digital persona client setup application found in the resources folder
Device: PC camera and digital persona finger print hardware