Michael John Shepherd - 19059019 at sun dot ac dot za
Martin William von Fintel - 20058837 at sun dot ac dot za
The SourceCode folder contains the Netbeans project that holds all of the java files that are used in this project. This includes SenderPane.java and RecieverPane.java There is also a Makefile in the src folder that will compile the needed files and run_sender and run_receiver shell files to run the server and the client.
Executables contains executable jar files for the receiver and the sender.
Report contains the project report, as well as all of the test results, images and resources used to create the report.
The application can be used by navigating to the Executables folder and executing the sender and receiver jar files in that order. this can be done as follows:
java -jar Sender.jar
java -jar Receiver.jar
Note that if the jar file states that it is not executable, then you will need to run the following command in the terminal, in the Executables directory before it will be allowed to run:
chmod +x Sender.jar
chmod +x Receiver.jar