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1 Data Preparation

1.1 data directory





1.2 example of label file

each line of the gt_xxx.txt file is a ground truth bounding box of a text line, format is as follows:


the meaning of the coordinate is as follow

top left point: (x1,y1)
top right point: (x2,y2)
bottom right point: (x3,y3)
bottom left point: (x4,y4)

it should be noted that the bounding box of a text line is not a standard rectangle, but a polygon with four sides, in the same format as label file of ICDAR_2015 dataset

2 Train:

2.1 start the visdom

before start visdom, you should install it

pip install visdom

then start it in your terminal

python -m visdom.server

2.2 set parameters of training in file

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES: the gpu used in training, like "0,1"  
img_size: image size like (H, W)  
backbone_type: "resnet18", "resnet34", "resnet50" or "vgg", specify the backbone of model  
epoch: training epoch  
anchor_batch_size: how many anchors selected from one image  
image_batch_size: how many images send to model every training step  
lr: initial learning rate  
lr_de_rate: lr reduce rate, new_lr = lr_de_rate * old_lr, set value of this parameter if use ReduceLROnPlateau scheduler  
cosine_lr_cycle_times: the number of cycle changes of the learning rate, one cycle represents the change from the initial value to the minimum value and then to the initial value  
minimum_lr: mininum learning rate of lr scheduler
use_cosine_lr_sch: True will use cosine learning rate scheduler, False use ReduceLROnPlateau scheduler
patience: number of epochs with no improvement after which learning rate will be reduced, set value of this parameter if use ReduceLROnPlateau scheduler  
weight_decay: weight decay, parameter weight_decay of pytorch optimizer  
lamda_1: regression loss weight  
lamda_2: side refine loss weight  
print_step: one loss information print every print_step  
anchor_count: anchor count of every point  
train_side_ref: True will training the side refine branch, False will not  
train_img_dir: train image dir  
valid_img_dir: validation image dir  
train_label_dir: train label dir  
valid_label_dir: validation label dir  
negative_anchor_iou_thresh: iou threshold, to define a negative anchor    
num_workers: number of thread for data loading  
data_aug_level:  "h", "m", "l" or None. "h" indicates high data augmentation, "m" indicates medium data augmentation, "l" indicates low data augmentation,None indicates will not use data augmentation  
use_focal_loss: True will use focal loss, False will not  
focal_loss_alpha: parameter of focal loss, slightly modify the strenght of mining of positive hard sample  
focal_loss_gamma: parameter of focal loss, control the threnght of mining of hard sample  

2.3 run file


due to limited hardware resources, I only used 37 images from IDCAR_2015 for training, it should be noted that different hyperparameters need to be adjusted in different scenarios, for example, if underfitting occurs, you can increase the anchor_batch_size.

2.4 train your custom dataset

(1)first you need to use labelme to label your dataset, you shuold create polygon for every text line in image, every polygon include 4 points, labeling order of points should be 'top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left'.
(2)second you should run file to convert json label file created by labelme to txt file, before this you shuold specify the following parameters in file:

labelme_json_file_dir: json label file dir  
txt_file_save_dir: txt file save dir  

and then, run use command:


(3)finally, follow 2.1 to 2.3

3 Predict

3.1 set the parameter of text line connector in TextLineCfg class in file

TEXT_PROPOSALS_WIDTH: anchor width, use default 16 pixel, don't modify it  
MAX_HORIZONTAL_GAP: the maxmum x distance that group two text proposals become a pair  
MIN_V_OVERLAPS: mininum y overlap that group two text proposals become a pair proposals  
MIN_SIZE_SIM: minimum height shape similarity of tow text proposal in a pair  
USE_SIDE_REFINE: True will use the side refine when generate the text line bounding box, False will not  

3.2 set the parameter of prediction in file

anchor_count: anchor count, should same with anchor_count parameter of training config  
backbone_type: "resnet18","resnet34" or "resnet50", should be same as the backbone_type parameter of  
img_size: image size like (H, W), should be same as img_size parameter of  
use_best_model: True will use the model which has the best performance on validation set, False will use the last epoch model  
cls_score_thresh: score thresh for text or no-text  
nms_iou_thresh: nms iou threshold value  
result_output_dir: predict result save dir  
is_draw_proposals: True will draw fine-scale text proposals on result, False will not  
is_draw_textline_bbox: True will draw text line bounding box, False will not  
image_pth: image path for prediction, a file path or a directory path  

3.3 run file


4 Result

4.1 training loss

4.2 with side refine

4.3 without side refine


Implement ctpn with pytorch






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