Hey there! This is my personal collection of dotfiles, which make the system look and feel amazing!
There will also be an installation script here when I have the chance to do one.
Here are some of the main points of the setup:
- OS: Arch, btw
- WM: bspwm
- Bar: Polybar
- Shell: zsh with the Starship prompt
- Terminal: Alacritty
- Editor: LunarVim with a somewhat custom config
- PKM: LogSeq, but also a bit of Obsidian
- Launcher: rofi
- Browser: Firefox with custom Bento theme
- Theme: Catppuccin
But there is lot more stuff! All of these dotfiles are managed with the help of GNU Stow.
This will probably expand over time as I find more stuff to add here, but for now enjoy!