Our works in Python3.9.13 In order to use the code successfully, the following site-packages are required:
- pytorch 1.13.1
- pandas 1.4.4
- numpy 1.22.0
- scikit-learn 1.0.2
- scipy 1.7.3
- matplotlib 3.5.2
- xarray 2023.1.0
- netCDF4 1.6.2
Usually, we use the config file in model training, testing and detailed analyzing.
The config file contains all necessary information, such as path,data,model, etc.
The config file of our work is config.py
When the config is properly configured, run main.py to train the model.
Running postprocess.py will display the evaluation results of the model across various metrics.
All forcing data, land surface data, and static data are in the LandBench dataset, the DOI link for the dataset is https://doi.org/10.11888/Atmos.tpdc.300294.