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James Beitz edited this page Sep 7, 2022 · 9 revisions

Misty Mountain Financial

This is the Capstone project for batch 220705-UTC-NET.

Our Task was to build from the ground up a RESTful API, Angular Front-end, and SQL Database for a fictional Bank we called Misty Mountain Financial.

Meet the Teams

For our task, we split into 5 teams named after the Chromatic Dragons From Dungeons & Dragons.

Team Bronze was responsible for Login, User Creation, Authentication, and Password Reset.

Team Brass was in charge of setting up an active Chat Box for technical assistance.

Team Bronze was in charge of displaying accounts, tracking user accounts when a user had many accounts, And selecting accounts for further actions.

Team Silver was in charge of retrieving accounts, and depositing and withdrawing money.

Team Gold was in charge of Creating a Budget Calculator.

Our ScrumWizard

Johnathan De La Cruz was nice enough to take on the stress and responsibility of leading the batch through this final challenge. Having fought the Balrogs of Github, the Daemons of CORS, and the Hordes that are Identity Server he lead us across the finish line and we presented our project.

Trials and Triumphs

Identity Server

This one stumped our teams for a while, eventually moving to use Auth0 for Authentication and Authorization.


Much was learned tackling this beast. Many lessons were learned including the value of Naming Conventions, Project Merging strategies, and the advantages of having a strategy for Stitching code together.


Clear communication is essential to a large project. When communication starts to break down more work must be done to ensure clear communication so that the vision remains focused.

Visions of the Future

We had many features that we would have loved to have fully implemented but unforeseen blockers pushed those tasks to the background, However, we were successful at implementing a live chat box, A login and authentication system, a budgeting function that alerts the user as they get close to their limit, and User Profiles with multiple accounts.

Some future goals we would have for the project include, Sending/Receiving Money between different users, E-Mail Notifications, and a more robust notification system.