I'm Lee Byeong Cheol, A Student Of SungKyunKwan University🇰🇷
I'm obsessed with competitive programming 📈
I'm obsessed with competitive programming 📈
🔭 I’m currently working on VCLAB (Prof. Jae-Pil Heo)
🌱 I’m currently learning computer vision, especially Domain Generalized Semantic Segmentation (a.k.a dgss).
❓ Ask me about anything related to algorithms for CP or DGSS.
⚡ Fun fact: ETS - ROKAF
- [BOJ] 11976 최소 스패닝 트리(크루스칼 알고리즘)
- [BOJ] 1865 웜홀(벨만 포드)
- [BOJ] 4095 최대 정사각형(DP) , 11660 구간 합 구하기 5(DP)
- [BOJ] 1516 게임 개발(DFS+DP or 위상 정렬+DP)
- [BOJ] 1987 알파벳(DFS, 백트래킹)
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