cut cli tool implemented in D2
dmd cut.d optionsparser.d
dmd cut.d optionsparser.d -unittest
Make sure that you see the following lines
tests: Cut passed ✓
tests: CutOptionsParser passed ✓
./cut -b 1-7 data.log
./cut -f -3 -d " " data.log
./cut -f -3,6,7 -d " " data.log
./cut -f -3,6,7 -d " " --complement data.log
./cut -f 2- -d " " /var/log/install.log > benchmark.log 1.55s user 0.08s system 92% cpu 1.770 total
cut -f 2- -d " " /var/log/install.log > benchmark.log 2.00s user 0.07s system 98% cpu 2.096 total