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OSM2XP directory structure

32kda edited this page May 13, 2019 · 4 revisions

Version 4.x

In version 4.x, folder structure has changed to be more consistent and have everything for a partiular sim (only X-Plane for now) in single place.

{osm2xp_directory}\osm2xp.exe - main program executable on Windows, use it to launch OSM2XP

{osm2xp_directory}\osm2xp - main program executable on Linux

{osm2xpc_directory}\osm2xpc.jar - main program JAR for OSMXP console version. Use command java -jar osm2xpc.jar [parameters] to launch console version

{osm2xp_directory}\xplane - root folder for X-Plane - related xml config files and different resource folders

{osm2xp_directory}\xplane\facades - contains default facade set with descriptor file osm2xpFacadeSetDescriptor.xml inside it. If you don't have prepared facade set and just want to configure one facade set for your work - you can add your facades to this folder and modify osm2xpFacadeSetDescriptor.xml to register them.

{osm2xp_directory}\xplane\forests - contains forest definitions used by generator. If you want to use custom forest definitions, place them here and them register in osm2xp UI.

{osm2xp_directory}\xplane\objects - contains 3D objects used by generator. All custom objects you want to use (object-based buildings, containers, towers etc.) should be placed into this folder and then registered in OSM2XP UI

{osm2xp_directory}\xplane\specobjects - contains objects, for which special generation is used. For now these are chimney and cooling tower models with names in format chimney-nnn.obj, where nnn means height in meters and will be used by OSM2XP to select model closest to chimney height specified in OSM. If you want to add/customize chimney models, just place them here and name in same manner. No need to register them.

{osm2xp_directory}\xplane\specfacades - contains special facades, which will be used for generating "special" stuff like fence, walls, garages or tanks/gasometers. Tese facades will be used only if current facade set contains no facades for this special structure types specified.

{osm2xp_directory}\xplane\resources - empty by default, this folder could contain any resources, which should be copied into generated scenary folder, like polygon files (.pol), README text file you want to place with your scenario or smth like that. Files from _resoures_ will be placed into _{generated scenery folder}_

{osm2xp_directory}\xplane\utils - contains DSFTool.exe or DSFToolLinux executable used to pack scenario DSF files

Version 3.x

{osm2xp_directory}\osm2xp.exe - main program executable, use it to launch OSM2XP

{osm2xp_directory}\facades - contains default facade set with descriptor file osm2xpFacadeSetDescriptor.xml inside it. If you don't have prepared facade set and just want to configure one facade set for your work - you can add your facades to this folder and modify osm2xpFacadeSetDescriptor.xml to register them.

{osm2xp_directory}\workspace - contains xml config files and different resource folders used by program

{osm2xp_directory}\workspace\resources\forests - contains forest definitions used by generator. If you want to use custom forest definitions, place them here and them register in osm2xp UI.

{osm2xp_directory}\workspace\resources\objects - contains 3D objects used by generator. All custom objects you want to use (object-based buildings, containers, towers etc.) should be placed into this folder and then registered in OSM2XP UI

{osm2xp_directory}\workspace\resources\specobjects - contains objects, for which special generation is used. For now these are chimney and cooling tower models with names in format chimney-nnn.obj, where nnn means height in meters and will be used by OSM2XP to select model closest to chimney height specified in OSM. If you want to add/customize chimney models, just place them here and name in same manner. No need to register them.

{osm2xp_directory}\workspace\resources\specfacades - contains special facades, which will be used for generating "special" stuff like fence, walls, garages or tanks/gasometers. Tese facades will be used only if current facade set contains no facades for this special structure types specified.

{osm2xp_directory}\workspace\resources\utils - contains DSFTool.exe executable used to pack scenario DSF files