Popcornify is a program to let you stream video from torrents.
Video player is based on vlc web plugin, so you need to install it first. In Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install vlc browser-plugin-vlc
In Windows you need to dowload vlc installer, check in options if web plugin is to be installed and then install it.
This is a node-webkit application, so you need to download that first.
Then, in a project directory, run
$ npm install
to install all dependencies.
Now you can run project by passing it's directory to nw binary.
$ nw popcornify/
Optionally you can package a binary. First, create a package while inside a project's directory:
$ zip app.nw *
Then merge it with nw binary. In *nix you would do this:
$ cat nw app.nw > popcornify
$ chmod +x popcornify
Find more on this in How-to-package-and-distribute-your-apps