This library contains useful (integration) test functionality.
This example is with postgres
opts := testsetup.DockerContainerOpts{
ContainerName: "postgres-container",
Repository: "postgres",
Tag: "15",
ExposedPorts: []string{"5432", "5430"},
Env: map[string]string{
"POSTGRES_DB": "test",
"POSTGRES_USER": "test",
HealthCheck: func(pool *dockertest.Pool, exposedPorts []string, env map[string]string) error {
// Perform your checks
return nil
ExpireTime: 5,
NetworkID: network.ID,
resource, podName, err := testsetup.RunDockerContainer(docker.AuthConfiguration{}, pool, opts)
Its also possible to provide authentication for private repositories by extending testsetup.DockerContainerOpts{}
with the auth
networkID := "TestTestSetup_Start-" + uuid.New().String()
zookeeper := container.ZookeeperOpts{
ContainerName: "my-zookeeper",
Port: "2181",
NetworkID: networkID,
kafka := container.KafkaOpts{
ContainerName: "my-kafka",
Port: "9092",
ZookeeperHostName: zookeeperContainerName,
ZookeeperPort: "2181",
NetworkID: networkID,
testSetup := testsetup.NewTestSetup(docker.AuthConfiguration{},
container.WithKafka(kafka, "your.topic"),
The test setup provides an Auth Parameter which is necessary if you want to pull images from private repositories.
Available pre-defined container:
- Kafka (+ Init Kafka)
- Postgres
- Zookeeper
If you use colima, you have to create a symlink to make it run on MacOS:
sudo ln -sf $HOME/.colima/default/docker.sock /var/run/docker.sock
Depending on your environment the hostname of the containers might be different. Use container.AutoGuessHostname()
to get
the applicable hostname for your environment.