This Repository is a work in progress.
Simple RiscV core for academic purpose.
The Repository is organized as follows:
- Documentation (Documentation About this project): this directory contains the Bachelor's Thesis and Poster.
- Quartus (FPGA Implementation with Quartus software): this directory contains the projects that implement the core in an FPGA.
- Data: this directory contains memory initializations for the simulations.
- Diagrams: this directory contains several diagrams of the architecture.
- pulp (PULPino RamMux): this directory contains the implemntation for the memory acces of the PULPino platform.
- riscv-gnu-toolchain: this directory contains the files necessary to complie C programs into RISC-V RV32I code.
- src: this directory contains the source code of the core in Verilog.
- tb: this directory contains the Verilog Testbenchs.
- vcd: this directory contains Vcd dumps to analyze the core internal signals.
En aquest directori trobem:
- .vscode: configuracions del Visual Studio Code generats automàticament.
- .travis.yml: especifica quin fluxe ha de segir el sistema d'integració contínua per a aixecar un entorn on poder passar els tests i indcar en el build stattus si s'han passat correctament els tests.
- Dockerfile: defineix una imatge que inclou el disseny del nucli i l'entorn amb icarus verilog per a poder executar els tests.
- script escrit en bash que permet passar els tests en local o en un entorn on icarus verilog estigui disponible.