This is Tensorflow (partially using keras) implementation of PCL as described in Bridging the Gap Between Value and Policy Based Reinforcement Learning.
Verified on the following environment,
- python 2.7
- tensorflow 1.3.0
- gym 0.9.2
- keras 2.0.5
python --target_task CartPole-v0
If you want to render, please add "-v" argument
python --target_task CartPole-v0 -v
Verified work on the task "Copy-v0", but not as much as their report.
python main --target_task Copy-v0 --tau 0.005 --gamma 0.9 --d 10 -b 400 --step_to_report 100 -r 5e-5 --start_at 2000 -c 0.5 --with_lstm