This is a DEFI App for small business to deposit their cryptocurrency and gain interest in their crypto currencies. To qualify you have to provide your business name, website (optional), and street vendor number. When a user comes to the app he/she should be able to stake their SVToken, select a pool for the amount of SVTokens they want to stake, and provide the number of weeks.
Repo - https://github.com/4metaverse/unbank
Website - https://unbank-businesses.netlify.app/
Youtube - https://youtu.be/X-1TpBQd_8Q
- Discord ID - Izmar#4265
- Email ID - marcial.arturo@yahoo.com
Front End | Libraries & others |
✔ Semantic HTML5 markup | ✔ Font Awesome |
✔ CSS custom properties | ✔ Boostrap |
✔ CSS Grid | ✔ web3 |
✔ Flexbox | - |
✔ Mobile-first workflow | - |
BackEnd | Libraries & others |
✔ Blockchain | ✔ OpeZeppelin |
✔ Solidity | ✔ Ganache |
To deploy to rinkeby truffle migrate --reset network rinkeby