Package to handle termux, termux-api commands with
Command | Status |
termux-am | ❌ |
termux-am | ❌ |
termux-infrared-transmit | ❌ |
termux-sms-list | 👍 |
termux-api-start | ❌ |
termux-job-scheduler | ❌ |
termux-sms-send | ❌ |
termux-api-stop | ❌ |
termux-keystore | ❌ |
termux-speech-to-text | ❌ |
termux-audio-info | ❌ |
termux-location | ❌ |
termux-storage-get | ❌ |
termux-backup | ❌ |
termux-media-player | ❌ |
termux-telephony-call | ❌ |
termux-battery-status | ❌ |
termux-media-scan | ❌ |
termux-telephony-cellinfo | ❌ |
termux-brightness | ❌ |
termux-microphone-record | ❌ |
termux-telephony-deviceinfo | ❌ |
termux-call-log | ❌ |
termux-nfc | ❌ |
termux-toast | ❌ |
termux-camera-info | ❌ |
termux-notification | 👍 |
termux-torch | ❌ |
termux-camera-photo | ❌ |
termux-notification-list | ❌ |
termux-tts-engines | ❌ |
termux-change-repo | ❌ |
termux-notification-remove | ❌ |
termux-tts-speak | ❌ |
termux-clipboard-get | ❌ |
termux-open | ❌ |
termux-usb | ❌ |
termux-clipboard-set | ❌ |
termux-open-url | ❌ |
termux-vibrate | ❌ |
termux-contact-list | ❌ |
termux-reload-settings | ❌ |
termux-volume | ❌ |
termux-dialog* | 🕒 |
termux-reset | ❌ |
termux-wake-lock | ❌ |
termux-download | ❌ |
termux-restore | ❌ |
termux-wake-unlock | ❌ |
termux-fingerprint | ❌ |
termux-sensor | ❌ |
termux-wallpaper | ❌ |
termux-fix-shebang | ❌ |
termux-setup-storage | ❌ |
termux-wifi-connectioninfo | ❌ |
termux-info | ❌ |
termux-share | ❌ |
termux-wifi-enable | ❌ |
termux-infrared-frequencies | ❌ |
termux-sms-inbox | ❌ |
termux should be running to use these command.
i still don't know why.