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Create Permission Set

Dushyant Sabharwal edited this page Aug 15, 2014 · 4 revisions

A Permission set is defined as a set of permissions which restrict the use of a particular SOS instance's capabilities by allowing particular actions for the tagged user roles which are part of a permission. From the above definition it is quite evident that we need the following things for a successful application of a permission set

  • URI of the SOS end point whose capabilities are intended to be restricted
  • Domain of the configured user roles which are to be restricted
  • Defined permissions specifying the allowed operations for the selected user roles

The application may or may not come up with a default permission set depending upon how is it configured. To learn more refer to the configuration details. Below steps explain how to create a permission set.

Click on the + button on the Timeseries Permission Manager page which redirects the user to a new page which looks like below

Create permission set All the fields which are * marked are mandatory and user has to provide an appropriate value. Lets take each field at a time #####Permission Set Name This has to be unique as it is used to identify a permission set. User will be warned if at all an existing permission set's name is entered #####Action Domain This is a dropdown which contains pre-configured SOS endpoints present in the editor-config.xml. #####Advance Settings This section contains Resource Domain and Subject Domain fields which are not mandatory. Resource Domain if not specified by the user explicitly is assumed to be same as the Action Domain. For Subject Domain a user can enter his custom values also by using the widget as below

Subject Domain Widget

#####Permissions Every permission set requires permissions. While creating a new permission set so a user has to create permissions also which can then be saved as part of a permission set. Since we are creating a new permission set this is why the tables shows "No permissions available" . Refer to the wiki page for creating a new permission. Once the permissions are created they will be reflected in the table which was empty earlier

#####Saving a Permission Set After all the data is in place, user can now proceed with saving the permission set and will be redirected to the Timeseries Permission Manager page where the newly created permission set will be reflected

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