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PETG TempTower 260 230°C

Peter Arien edited this page Jul 31, 2023 · 13 revisions

This part is used to print a tower, printed with a different temperature setting for each floor. To help you to change these temperatures a postprocessing script is provided in this Plugin to easily define this tower.

PETG TempTower 260- 230°C

SCAD Model PETG TempTower 260- 230°C

PETG TempTower 260 - 230°C

Based on a design proposed by stoempie, freely adapted by 5@xes 2020. Licence for the TempTower : CC BY-SA 3.0,

Associated Postprocessing Script

Settings in the script for a Layer Height : 0.16 (Initial Layer Height : 0.2)

Settings Script TempTower ABS


After the use of the Postprocessing Script, don't forget to remove it for your next project !

Printing Conditions

 - Nozzle Size : 0.4
 - Layer Height : 0.16
 - Initial Layer Height : 0.2
 - Line Width : 0.4
 - Wall Line Count : 3
 - Top/Bottom Thickness : 0.8 mm
 - Enable Bridge Settings : True
 - Use adaptive layers : False

Printing Time = 1h30mn


The goal is to choose the highest temperature possible that doesn't produce artifacts.

First, you have to analyse the tower. Each floor has the according temperature written on it.


Check that the option Use Adaptive Layer is not active. Since release 1.2.4 when a Tower Model is used, the plugin checks if this parameter is not set. If the parameter is set to true then the value is changed and a message is displayed :

Message adaptive

This model has been designed to be printed with a 0.4 Nozzle. If you want to use the same model, with a bigger nozzle you can do it by activating the option "Remove all holes" in the Mesh Fixes section. As many users are opening an issue for that, since release 1.2.5 this parameter is automaticaly activated for this model if your nozzle size is bigger than 0.4mm . In this case an information message is displayed in Cura :

Message adaptive

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