We would ❤️ to have pull requests from you. So here is how to start development with Node Express Boilerplate.
First fork and clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/5orenso/geo-lib.git
Then run this to set it all up:
$ cd geo-lib
$ npm install
In addition to this I recommend using npm to watch your files and perform code analysis and run tests every time a file changes:
$ grunt watch
You are now ready to start doing your changes.
Node Simple Boilerplate uses Grunt and Buster.js to run test. Take a look in the test directory and always add tests to your changes.
If you want to do any changes please create an issue.
Bug fixes is of course welcome at any time 👍
So you are ready to make a PR? Great! 😄
But first make sure you have checked some things.
- Your code should follow the code style guide provided by .eslintrc by running
orgrunt watch
- Don't commit build changes. No
changes in the PR.