I made this plugin by request of a friend, and because I didn't have anything to do.
- PlaceholderAPI support
- Staffmode
- Freezing (through command or freeze wand in staffmode)
- Open inventory (through command or inventory wand in staffmode) - To move items in someone elses inventory, you need the permission "staff.invsee.move"
- Knockback Stick (in staffmode)
- /staffmode - staff.staffmode
- /freeze - staff.freeze
- /invsee - staff.invsee
- /vanish - /v - staff.vanish
- Disable staffmode item - staff.staffmode
- Freeze wand - staff.freeze.wand
- Inventory wand - staff.invsee.wand
- Knockback Stick - staff.kbstick
- Vanish item - staff.vanish.item