Python based Qualtrics survey integration.
This repository contains code to work with the Qualtrics API and to create surveys from the provided template definitions and download responses to these surveys for analysis and processing.
Pytrics requires Python 3. Once you have that installed or activated you can install and use Pytrics as described below.
pip install pytrics
export QUALTRICS_API_AUTH_TOKEN=your_api_token
export QUALTRICS_API_BASE_URL=your_base_api_url
export ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_DATA_DIR=/absolute/path/on/disk/to/store/output
from import Tools
tools = Tools()
tools.create_survey_from_definition('My new agriculture survey', 'et')
Creating Blocks |################################| 19/19
Creating Questions |################################| 60/60
('', '9223370455272972495', 2, '2020-02-12T08:16:43Z')
('data/SV_123456abcdef.json', 'data/', 'data/SV_123456abcdef_responses.json', 'data/SV_123456abcdef_responses_processed.json')
Read on for more information about working with surveys using Qualtrics and this package.
The two main use cases for this package are creating surveys on Qualtrics and retirieving responses to these, read on for instructions on how to use this code.
You will need a Qualtrics account before you can use this code, assuming you have an active account please login here.
You will need to generate an API Key for access to the Qualtrics Survey Platform, please read the following page for instructions.
Documentation for the survey platform API can be found here. This repository implements many of the main API endpoints documented here in order to create and publish surveys as well as retrieve responses.
Copy your API authorisation token and set an environment variable named QUALTRICS_API_AUTH_TOKEN
to the token value;
export QUALTRICS_API_AUTH_TOKEN=your_api_token
Next we need to create an environment variable for your base API url called QUALTRICS_API_BASE_URL
This varies depending on your Qualtrics account (and the data centre you are using), for more information see the documentation here. Once you figure out your APIs base url add it to an environment variable as per below;
export QUALTRICS_API_BASE_URL=your_base_api_url
Finally we need to set an environment variable called ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_DATA_DIR
to tell this package where on disk it should store output data files:
export ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_DATA_DIR=/absolute/path/on/disk/to/store/output
This repository provides country specific templates for 60 Decibels Standard Agriculture Survey, which can be created in Qualtrics using the code below.
>>> from import Tools
>>> tools = Tools()
>>> tools.create_survey_from_definition('My new agriculture survey', 'et')
Creating Blocks |################################| 19/19
Creating Questions |################################| 60/60
('', '9223370455272972495', 2, '2020-02-12T08:16:43Z')
The above code shows the result of creating a new survey using the Ethiopian template (as denoted by the 2nd parameter of 'et'). This survey is published and ready to accept responses on the returned URL.
We have provided survey definitions for each of the following countries (their two character iso code is provided in brackets for reference);
- Ethiopia (et)
- India (in)
- Kenya (ke)
- Nigeria (ng)
- Tanzania (tz)
At present we have only provided survey definitions in English.
You can define your own template surveys and create these in Qualtrics using the same process if you fork or clone this repository and make the necessary changes to the code.
The create_survey_from_definition
function in pytrics/
could be easily extended to accept further survey types, this could also be extended to support multiple languages quite easily should you wish to do this.
To gather response data from a specific survey you can use the code below.
>>> from import Tools
>>> tools = Tools()
>>> tools.retrieve_survey_response_data('SV_123456abcdef')
>>> ('data/SV_123456abcdef.json', 'data/', 'data/SV_123456abcdef_responses.json', 'data/SV_123456abcdef_responses_processed.json')
The function retrieve_survey_response_data
queries the Qualtrics API and saves data to disk in four JSON files and returns the paths to these.
- The first file contains the survey defintion
- The second file contains any recorded responses to this survey in zip form as provided by Qualtrics.
- The third file is the unzipped response data as provided by Qualtrics.
- The last file is the processed response data in a form more easily readable and consumable (see below in this README for an example).
All files are returned as you may wish/need to use the survey definition to understand and process the content of the response data file. The processed responses file is provided to help ease the consumption and usage of this data.
The summarise_definition
function produces a summary of the specified survey definition so you can easily see the questions that the survey contains and their order. This can be used to generate a call script for researchers to use when delivering the survey via telephone. It expects one paramater, a lower case two character iso country code from those supported. Example usage below:
>>> tools.summarise_definition('et')
Part of our standard surveys is a series of questions designed to allow you to measure the likelihood that a given household is living below the poverty line. The questions we use have been sourced from The Poverty Index.
Tools to calculate the PPI (on a per country basis) based on the answers to the questions in our surveys are available to download for free from The Poverty Index (requires registration of free account).
Feel free to fork or clone this repository and iterate on the functionality provided to suit your purposes, please ensure you include the LICENSE.txt
file in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
This code is written using Python 3, please ensure you have v3 installed before proceeding.
- run
python3 -m venv env
to create a virtual environement named env - run
source env/bin/activate
to activate the virtualenv - run
pip3 install -r dev-requirements.txt
to install required packages into your virtual environment, (including those required for development and testing)
Tests are written using unittest and can be executed via nose. Some example commands are below, refer to the docs for more options and information.
- Run all tests;
- Run specific tests;
nosetests tests/qualtrics_api/client/question/
- Run all tests, collect coverage of the contents of the code dir, produce html coverage report and enforce minimum percentage, with verbose and colourful output;
nosetests --with-coverage --cover-erase --cover-package=pytrics/. --cover-html --cover-min-percentage=80 -v --rednose
PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$(pwd) pylint -f parseable pytrics/*
PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$(pwd) pylint -f parseable tests/*
This code is not actively maintained but it is provided under the GPLv2 licence. Please refer to the LICENSE.txt
file contained in this repository for full terms of use and ensure you include the LICENSE.txt file in all copies or substantial portions of the Software that you create.