A one-stop online learning web application that allows SIIT students to efficiently study any classes on their own time.
This client-side website uses backend services from the repository https://github.com/6222780981/SIIT-Academy-Backend
Libraries used include:
- ReactJS
- React Router
- Redux Toolkit
- Firebase
- Axios
- Read Excel File
The website can be accessed at https://siit-academy.as.r.appspot.com
The final documents are stored in a Google Drive folder at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17SFFIoJr7AtVOtwfr-feOGclUgTY3Edq
Other related links can be viewed at https://docs.google.com/document/d/19zHft1CzOMeSN0WP776PkWiYxV9UBKluzlq9_zPL-k4/edit?usp=sharing
Install dependencies
npm install
Run the server locally
npm start
- Mr. Nontawat Thanundonsuk 6222770735@g.siit.tu.ac.th
- Mr. Phakin Chutipanich 6222780882@g.siit.tu.ac.th
- Mr. Kritapas Suwannawin 6222780981@g.siit.tu.ac.th
- Ms. Yanisa Bhisitcharoentat 6222781690@g.siit.tu.ac.th
- Ms. Rinrada Tanthanathewin 6222782037@g.siit.tu.ac.th