Java script practice var price = 15.00; var money = 20.00; var cost = 30.00 if ( money >= price) { console.log ("Buy the hammer"); } else{ console.log ("Dont buy the hammer"); } if ( cost >= money) { console.log ("Leave the shop and run away"); } else{ console.log ("Buy like May Weather")
} var colt = "Not busy"; var weather = "Nice"; if ( colt === "Not busy") { if ( weather === "Nice") { console.log("Go to the Park"); } else }
var x = 1; console.log(x + "mississipi");
var x = 1; while (x <= 100) { console.log(x + "mississipi"); x = x + 1; } for (var i=0; i < 6; i = i + 1) { console.log(i) } function isprime(integer) { for(var x = 2; x < integer; x++) { if(integer % x === 0 ) { console.log(integer + " is divisible by " + x) ; return false; } } return true; }
function findaverage(x, y) { var answer = (x + y) / 2; return answer; }
function findme(x, y, z) { var answer = (x * 10) + (y / 4) - z; return answer; } function saygreeting() { var greeting = "Hello" console.log(greeting); }
var Name = prompt("What is your name?"); var Message = "Hello!" + Name; document.write(Message);
var Vistor = prompt('What is Your name ?') var message = "Hello " + Visitor + " You are welcome to this lesson "; message = message + "We love your prssence " + "And it's kinda different" document.write(message);
var visitor = prompt("Please input only one name here"); var mass = "Your name have " + message.length + " letters"; document.write(mass);
var verb = prompt("Type out a verb"); var noun = prompt("Type out a noun"); var adjective = prompt("Type out an adjective"); var mess = "There once was a " + adjective + " programmer who wanted to use java script to change the " + noun;
var secondsperminute = 60; var minuteperhour = 60; var hoursperday = 24; var daysperweek = 7; var weekperyear = 52; var seconndsperday = secondsperminute * minuteperhour * hoursperday; document.write("There are " + seconndsperday + " in a day "); var secondsalive = seconndsperday * 365; var age = prompt("What is your age?"); var x = age * secondsalive; document.write("CONGRATS!!!!!! You have been alive for " + x + " seconds")
Var dieRoll = Math.floor (Math.random() * 6 ) + 1; alert(" You rolled a" + dieRoll)
var correct = 0; var question1 = prompt("Which programming language is a gem ?"); if (question1.toUpperCase() === "RUBY"){ correct += 1; } var question2 = prompt("Which programming language is a snake?"); if (question2.toUpperCase() === "PYTHON"){ correct +=1; } var question3 = prompt("Which language is used for designing the webpage ?"); if (question3.toUpperCase() === "CSS"){ correct += 1; } var question4 = prompt("Which language serves as the structure of a webpage?"); if (question4.toUpperCase() === "HTML"){ correct += 1; } var question5 = prompt("What is the programming language of the web?"); if (question5.toUpperCase() === "JAVASCRIPT"){ correct += 1; } if (correct > 2){ alert("You got " + correct + " correct out of 5") } else{ alert("You can do better next time") } if (correct === 5){ document.write("You won gold for your performance") } else if(correct >= 3){ document.write("You won silver for your performance") } else if(correct >= 1){ document.write("You won bronze for your performance") } else{ document.write("You can do better bro") }
//FUNCTION function alertRandom(){ Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1; } alert(alertRandom());
function RandomNumber(Upper, Lower){ var random = Math.random() * (Upper - Lower) + Lower; return random }