The funcion lists:keysearch()
in the following code snippet:
deallocate({Free, Allocated}, Freq) ->
{value,{Freq,Pid}} = lists:keysearch(Freq,1,Allocated)
will return false
if the frequency is not found in the Allocated list, i.e. when the client tries to deallocate a frequency that it does not own. That will cause a bad match error:
deallocate({Free, Allocated}, Freq) ->
{value,{Freq,Pid}} = false <<****BADMATCH****
To catch the badmatch error, I added a try-catch to the following clause in the server's receive loop:
{request, Pid , {deallocate, Freq}} ->
NewFrequencies =
try deallocate(Frequencies, Freq)
error:{badmatch, _Val} -> Frequencies
Pid ! {reply, ok},
loop(NewFrequencies, Supervisor);
In that version, the server does nothing when the client tries to deallocate a frequency that it does not own.
Another approach would be to send an error message to the client:
{request, Pid , {deallocate, Freq}} ->
try deallocate(Frequencies, Freq) of
NewFrequencies ->
Pid ! {reply, ok},
loop(NewFrequencies, Supervisor)
error:{badmatch, _Val} ->
Pid ! {reply, {error, not_allocated}},
loop(Frequencies, Supervisor)
But, as was mentioned in the lecture, then the client would have to add machinery to handle the error message.
I don't really see why killing the client would be necessary when the client tries to deallocate a frequency it doesn't own, but another approach would be for the server to kill the client:
{request, Pid , {deallocate, Freq}} ->
try deallocate(Frequencies, Freq) of
NewFrequencies ->
Pid ! {reply, ok},
loop(NewFrequencies, Supervisor)
error:{badmatch, _Val} ->
exit(Pid, not_allocated),
io:format("client (~w) deallocated bad frequency: ~w...killed client~n", [Pid, Freq]),
loop(Frequencies, Supervisor)
I added a new clause to the bottom of the server's receive loop:
Other ->
try handle(Other)
throw: {unknown_request, Val} ->
io:format("server (~w) got unknown request: ~w...discarding~n", [self(), Val]),
loop(Frequencies, Supervisor)
handle(Other) ->
throw({unknown_request, Other}).
I felt that was a pretty contrived solution, and I couldn't think of any alternate approaches.