Shadow Engine
Add to vscode settings for syntax highlighting on shaders
"files.associations": { "*.sc": "hlsl" }
Shadow Engine binaries are built with a custom build system called Horde.
Horde requries the Deno runtime which can be downloaded for just for Shadow
by cd
ing into scripts
then executing
(linux only)
You need Deno, Ninja, and optionally Make in order to build Shadow
Running ./Horde
in the root of the project directory will generate the build
files needed for compilation. Then run make
somewhere in "bin/sdw..."
The Makefile only serves to run all the Ninja file subdirectories and will
probably be replaced in the future. This also means that running make with
won't have an effect as Ninja automatically utilizes all available CPUs
Windows support is worked on occasionally and can be done by running Horde
as ./Horde --config winbuild.json5
This expects a gcc/clang type compiler and isn't going to work with MSVC
pacman -S base-devel glm vulkan-devel ninja wget unzip
- Horde Build system
- compile_commands.json generation (bear is the current solution)
- Hot Reloading with jet-live or custom solution -
- Physics
- PBR Rendering
- Script files to run static analysis, valgrind, etc.
Should have the ability to load any kind of resource (shader, model, texture, font, etc.) from a Chunker file, embedded header file, or raw file. During production it would be smart to convert chunks to embedded header files and store them in the output binary.
When shipping a release build, the engine should optimize all models, convert all textures to a common format depending on render backend, build all dependencies in release mode, -O3 everything, and strip everything
Difference between editor and production build is the form of entry. Entry for the editor is through the standard int main and goes through Runtime.cpp like we see now. The production version will not load Dear ImGui for example, and instead deserialize a scene file and go through that.
- BGFX - bkaradzic
- BX - bkaradzic
- BIMG - bkaradzic
- OpenVR - Valve
- Dear ImGui - ocornut
- Lohmann, N. (2022). JSON for Modern C++ (Version 3.10.5) [Computer software].
- ImGui Node Editor - thedmd
- Miniaudio - mackron
- Termcolor - ikalnytskyi
- Snappy - Google
- LevelDB - Google
- EnTT - Michele Caini
- meshoptimizer - Arseny Kapoulkine
- stduuid - Marius Băncilă
- - The Chromium Project