Paging 3 with Jetpack Compose Sample Application Using Github GraphQL Api
An Offline-First sample application which loads a user's info and repositories then shows the result in two diffrent tabs of a HorizontalPager.
It loads the data from the internet using apollo-android
and cachesh the result in a local room
database. in this way the local database acts as our Single Source of Truth (SSOT).
In order to make this application able to retrieve responses from github api you need to generate a github access token, create a text file named
like below.
ACCESS_TOKEN = "your api access token"
paste your access token as the value of ACCESS_TOKEN
then copy this file into the root folder of this project. the AuthorizationInterceptor
will read the access token value from generated BuildConfig file.
class AuthorizationHeaderInterceptor @Inject constructor() : Interceptor {
override fun intercept(chain: Interceptor.Chain): Response {
val original = chain.request()
val request = original.newBuilder()
request.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer ${BuildConfig.ACCESS_TOKEN}")
return chain.proceed(
- Kotlin
- Repository
- Apollo Android
- Paging 3 with RemoteMediator
- NetworkBoundResource (with Flow)
- Hilt
- Jetpack Compose
- Room
- Offline-First / Local Caching
- Flow
- Navigation
- Coil
- Accompanist SwipeToRefresh and Pager