This bundle is a layer that gives the "popup" look and feel for the EasyAdminBundle
This bundle requires:
- Jquery
- bootstrap-datetimepicker
- select2
- humane
composer require a5sys/easyadminpopup-bundle
In AppKernel.php
new A5sys\EasyAdminPopupBundle\EasyAdminPopupBundle(),
You have to set the cofiguration:
layout: "::admin_layout.html.twig" #mandatory
customized_flash: false #optionnal, if you want to translate each entity crud flash. The translate key would be flash.User.persist (or update/remove) for a User entity
The layout must have a body block.
The layout must include:
- Jquery
- bootstrap-datetimepicker
- select2
- humane
And include the JS using assetic:
- '@EasyAdminPopupBundle/Resources/assets/js/form-modal.js'
- '@EasyAdminPopupBundle/Resources/assets/js/humane-error.js'
Create a controller that extends "A5sys\EasyAdminPopupBundle\Controller\AdminController"
Include this controller in your routing using annotation