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Bundle to integrate phpwkhtmltopdf with Symfony 2

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This bundle allows generation of pdf docs by using the wrapper phpwkhtmltopdf, which uses himself the tool wkhtmltopdf.

The advantage of wkhtmltopdf is that it's Webkit processing html code, with JS and CSS functionnal, as if the code were ran in a browser.

####Why this bundle, KnpSnappyBundle already exist ?

KnpSnappyBundle does not work in all cases, particularly on Windows when generated HTML has external files (CSS, JS, images). We hit some network access, because of the PHP proc_open function, which seems buggy.

After a successful try with phpwkhtmltopdf, this bundle was created to integrate with Symfony 2.


Requires phpwkhtmltopdf and wkhtmltopdf.


First install wkhtmltopdf (

Add dependencies in composer.json :

"a5sys/pdf-bundle": "dev-master",
"mikehaertl/phpwkhtmltopdf": "~2.0"

Declare bundle in AppKernel.php :

new A5sys\PdfBundle\A5sysPdfBundle(),

Note: the wrapper phpwkhtmltopdf is a library, not a bundle.


  • Install wkhtmltopdf. Be sure not to have spaces in the path.
  • Configure A5sys ProjectBundle

In config.yml, add :

    binary: "C:/wkhtmltopdf/bin/wkhtmltopdf.exe"
    # temp_dir: "D:/tmp"
    # encoding: "UTF-8"
    # command_options:
    #    use_exec: true
    #    escape_args: false
    #    proc_options:
    #        bypass_shell: true
    #        suppress_errors: false
  • binary: mandatory
  • temp_dir: optional, default system temp dir (C:/windows/temp).
  • encoding: optional, default UTF-8
  • command_options: optional, by default the array is created with the default children values -- use_exec: optional, default true, does the system use exec function instead of proc_open ? -- escape_args: optional, default false, does the system escape parameters before integrating it to the command ? -- proc_options: optional, default NULL, used when use_exec = false ---- bypass_shell: optional, default true, adviced when on Windows ---- suppress_errors: default false. Adviced to TRUE when on Windows. Generation can be done ,even if error occired. NO GUARRANTY pdf is correctly generated.


Example given in a profession service.

$this->templating is injected twig service. $this->pdfService is pdf service to be injected.

utf8_decode for header et footer. Necessary to get accents.

use A5sys\PdfBundle\Service\PdfService;

class MyService
     * @var $data array
    public function savePdf($data)
        // HTML of pdf
        $html = $this->templating->render('MyAppBundle:Folder:my_pdf.pdf.twig', $data);

        // Header in HTML
        $htmlHeader = $this->templating->render('MyAppBundle:Folder:my_header.pdf.twig');

        // Footer in HTML
        $htmlFooter = $this->templating->render('MyAppBundle:Folder:my_footer.pdf.twig');

        // name and path to PDF file
        $fileName = uniqid() . ".pdf";
        $filePath = $this->constants['my_pdf_path'] . "/" . $fileName;

        // note : throws ServiceException
        // Generation and saving of the PDF

        $options = array(
            'orientation' => 'Landscape',
            'header-html' => utf8_decode($htmlHeader),
            'header-spacing' => '2', // space between header and content in mm
            'footer-html' => utf8_decode($htmlFooter),


To the 2015-02-10, only saveAs is implemented for the wrapper phpwkhtmltopdf.


Variable **$options ** allows to specify options to use for the generation. At the begining, informations from configuration will b integrated to this array. If you want to override the value of the conf, simply add the key of the wrapper phpwkhtmltopdf to the array.

Specific phpwkhtmltopdf wrapper are here:

Still in $options, at the same level than specific wrapper options, you can add all options you want to give to wkhtmltopdf, as for example orientation , header-spacing, header-html or footer-html like shown in the example.

All wkhtmltopdf options here :

Page break

In the example, $html varaible contains all HTML to render in PDF. It is possible to tell explicitly where to page break, simply using CSS:

<div style="page-break-after: always;"></div>

Page numbers

In the footer-html of the example, no param is given, but wkhtmltopdf do it for us ! We can get the current page number and even more, for example with this code :

<!DOCTYPE html>
        function subst() {
          var vars={};
          for (var i in x) {var z=x[i].split('=',2);vars[z[0]] = unescape(z[1]);}
          var x=['frompage','topage','page','webpage','section','subsection','subsubsection'];
          for (var i in x) {
            var y = document.getElementsByClassName(x[i]);
            for (var j=0; j<y.length; ++j) y[j].textContent = vars[x[i]];
    <body style="border:0; margin: 0;" onload="subst()">
        <table style="width: 100%">
            <td style="text-align: left">{{ 'now'|date('d/m/Y') }}</td>
            <td style="text-align: center">{{ 'pdf.archival.title'|trans|raw('html') }}</td>
            <td style="text-align: right">
              {{ 'page'|trans }} <span class="page"></span> {{ 'pageOn'|trans }} <span class="topage"></span>

JS works ? Yes it's Webkit that process the page, even for header-html and footer-html

Note : Don't forget the doctype in footer and header, it won't work otherwise !

This HTML code displays the date to the left, a translated text in the center, and the text "page x sur y" to the right


Bundle to integrate phpwkhtmltopdf with Symfony 2






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