This is a Telegram bot made by Alex V and EarthMapsPictures Inc.
This bot can generate various things such as jokes, passwords and random music.
This bot has a lot of hidden functions, please contact me if you want to use the hidden commands, or modify them.
This bot can show the state of it's creator using the /alex command.
The URL to the bot:
I plan to improve the bot as time goes by. Please do not hesitate and recommend functions that can be integrated into the bot. Also, please report bugs if you ever notice any.
Firstly clone the repository using the git clone
To run this bot you will need an Bot Token from Telegram, to get that key go and chat with The BotFather ( Follow the instructions to create a bot, and then follow the instructions to generate a new Bot Token. You should add the Bot Token to the
file to the variable called bot_token
replace the os.getenv("BOT_TOKEN")
with the token in quotation marks.
After it is done, go to the directory you have cloned the bot into with a terminal or command prompt. Make sure that you are in the empbot folder rather than the emp folder. Afterwards run python3 -m emp
You should be off to the races from here.