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Turret Assembly Guide

LiddulBOFH edited this page Mar 15, 2024 · 1 revision

In order to assemble a functioning turret, you will need this:

Turrets are not technically physical, as the only way they are assembled is with a parenting tool, such as the one above. These WILL NOT use welds or any other constraints.

Assembling one is very simple:

  1. Spawn the associated components (horizontal and vertical drive)
  2. Look carefully at each component with the ACF tool and see which line direction is home. This should point at the front of the tank, or wherever you wish the turret to return to.
  3. Put whatever you have around the turret, if you have the turret model assembled already.
  4. Parent anything that rotates horizontally to the horizontal drive.
  5. Parent anything that moves vertically (such as the gun) to the vertical drive. Don't forget to parent the vertical drive to the horizontal drive!
  6. Parent the horizontal drive to your baseplate, or whatever the turret is going to be attached to. (Can even be another turret!)

The turret is now assembled at it's most basic level.

In order to move it, you'll need to wire to the inputs on each turret drive. Refer to Turrets for details on this.

There are also motors you can attach to get a speed boost (if configured correctly), and gyroscopes you can link to stabilize the turret drives (and require the motors).

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