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LiddulBOFH edited this page Mar 15, 2024 · 1 revision

New to ACF are the turret entities, these handy dandy devices remove much of the headache related to the other important aspect of a working tank.


Turret Drives

All turret drives have an internal spur gear with which to receive power by some means (motor or hand crank) to rotate in order to reach a target. The size in the ACF menu before spawning dictates how many teeth this gear has, which is then used for gear ratio calculations.

All speeds are expressed in degrees/second, and all acceleration is expressed in degrees/second ^ 2.

These also have special wire inputs to use, being Angle and Position. There is one that is also unique to each drive type, Bearing and Elevation.

Bearing/Elevation: A local degree that the turret should point at. Setting this to 0 will return to turret to home.

Angle: A global angle that the turret should try to point at. Use this if you are only rotating one or two turrets, as it is somewhat more accurate due to not having to figure out what angle to move to.

Position: A global vector that the turret should try to point at. Use this if you have multiple turrets to rotate (like a ship). Note that this may not be as accurate as the position it uses to check for is the center of the turret drive.


The large, stable base of a turret. It is on this component that most of the weight of the turret should be focused on, as it is wide and able to distribute that weight evenly.


The other drive, meant to have weapons mounted to it. If this is not motorized, and the weight is centered on the axis of rotation, then it can have up to 25% of it's total rotation speed stabilized.


All motors have a fixed speed, the only thing that changes with the scale is the output torque from them. The only way to change the output speed is to also adjust the gear teeth setting. This is directly used to calculate the gear ratio of driving the turret it is attached to. The motors must also be within the radius of the turret drive it is linked to.


A snappy, responsive motor capable of getting a turret up to speed quickly but can get bogged down by lots of weight.


A more sluggish but strong motor capable of moving some of the heaviest turrets out there.

Hand crank

If a motor is not available (too damaged, destroyed, or simply not installed) then all turrets have a fallback hand crank that can move the turret. It is powered by a human however, and can't move an infinite amount of weight, so be sure not to lose your motor!


Gyroscopes require a motor in order to function.


A gyroscope capable of stabilizing one turret drive.


A gyroscope capable of stabilizing one horizontal and one vertical turret drive.

Ballistic Computers

Ballistic computers require a gun linked to them, and for the gun to have ammo loaded.

Direct Fire

This computer is capable of calculating the angle to point at in order to hit something directly. It is also capable of constantly calculating to maintain lead on a target.

Indirect Fire

This computer is capable of calculating the angle to point at in order to hit something indirectly, such as over a hill. This will not continue to calculate after arriving at a firing solution.

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