- python2.7
- virtualenv
- pip
- postgresql
- create a user for your database (eg. opendataportalwatch)
sudo -u postgres psql opendataportalwatch
- create a database (eg. opendataportalwatchdb)
sudo -u postgres createdb opendataportalwatchdb
- give to the user a password (eg. letmein)
sudo -u postgres psql
psql=# alter user opendataportalwatch with encrypted password 'letmein';
- grant privileges on database
psql=# grant all privileges on database opendataportalwatchdb to opendataportalwatch ;
- exit from pgsql
psql=# \q
- clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/ADEQUATeDQ/portalmonitor.git
cd portalmonitor
- create a virtual enviroment
virtualenv opendataportalwatch
- activate it
. opendataportalwatch/bin/activate
- install dependecies
pip install -r requirements
- install opendataportalwatch
python setup.py install
- create a directory to archive the data fetched from the portal(s)
mkdir data
- create a configuration file like this (you can choose the name eg. portalmonitor.conf )
If your user is without root privileges, you need to choose ports from 49152 to 65535
host: localhost
port: 5432
user: opendataportalwatch
password: letmein
db: opendataportalwatchdb
datadir: data
url_prefix: /api
port: 8888
url_prefix: /portalmonitor
port: 8888
choose a name and a path for the configuration file Eg.
intialize database
bin/odpw -c etc/portalmonitor.conf InitDB
- add one or more portal to watch
eg. data.gov.at
bin/odpw -c etc/portalmonitor.conf AddPortal -u http://data.gv.at/ -a http://www.data.gv.at/katalog/ -s CKAN -i AT
eg. dati.trentino.it
bin/odpw -c etc/portalmonitor.conf AddPortal -u http://dati.trentino.it/ -a http://dati.trentino.it/ -s CKAN -i IT
- fetch metadata from the catalog(s)
bin/odpw -c etc/portalmonitor.conf Fetch
- fetch data from the catalog(s)
bin/odpw -c etc/portalmonitor.conf DataFetch
- run the web interface
bin/odpw -c etc/portalmonitor.conf ODPWUI
... prepare a cron to run all the commands to update the statistics